Scaling Up: A Path to Healthy Growth for Agencies — The Story of Brthrs Agency

How to use Scaling Up for agencies

Robert Keus
Brthrs Agency
3 min readJan 23, 2024



“Scaling up is about growing, not about getting bigger.” This mantra is the heart of Brthrs Agency’s growth strategy. But how does an agency like Brthrs ensure healthy growth while keeping its team happy, attracting great clients, and maintaining structure without becoming bureaucratic? The answer lies in the Scaling Up methodology, a strategic approach that has proven effective for Brthrs.

The Challenge of Growth

Growth phases in businesses, especially agencies, are fraught with risks. One primary risk is getting too caught up in day-to-day operations, losing sight of long-term goals. Brthrs faced this challenge head-on, recognizing the need to balance immediate priorities with future aspirations.

Adopting the Scaling Up Methodology

Brthrs found its solution in the Scaling Up methodology, developed by Verne Harnish. This approach has helped the team at Brthrs stay focused on both their immediate tasks and their long-term objectives. The team, including Marta, Amanda, Tania, Robert, and Manon, have embraced this method with enthusiasm.

The Four Decisions of Scaling Up

  1. People: Keeping the team aligned, motivated, and engaged.
  2. Strategy: Developing a clear and compelling strategy that drives growth.
  3. Execution: Ensuring flawless execution of the strategy.
  4. Cash: Managing cash flow effectively to fuel growth.

The Scaling Up Components in Action at Brthrs

  1. Setting a Big Hairy Audacious Goal (BHAG): Brthrs worked together to define a bold, long-term goal that aligns with their values.
  2. Rhythm in Everything: Regular team meetings, consistent client communication, and periodic evaluations create a rhythm, making the process more manageable and effective.
  3. Discipline: Maintaining discipline is crucial, even though it requires time and effort.

The Results: Tangible Goals for 2024

The discipline and structure brought by the Scaling Up methodology have led Brthrs to set concrete goals for 2024. These goals are ambitious but achievable, reflecting the collective vision of the team.

Brthrs Agency’s Mission and Core Values


“We create digital products to help people grow and solve social issues. Our products matter to us, our clients, and to society.” This mission statement guides Brthrs Agency in every project and decision, ensuring they contribute positively to society.

Core Values

  1. ❤️ Family: Prioritizing a supportive and caring work environment.
  2. 👯‍♂️ Having Fun: Emphasizing joy and fun in the workplace.
  3. 🌎 Meaningful: Ensuring all projects have a significant and positive impact.
  4. 🙏🏽 Co-creation: Collaborating closely with clients and teams.
  5. 👩‍🏫 Keep Learning: Constantly seeking knowledge and improvement.

1-Year Goals/Plan for 2024

Brthrs has set ambitious yet achievable goals for the year 2024, aligning with their mission and core values:

  1. Quality Assurance: Achieving ISO9001 certification to ensure the highest quality standards.
  2. Certifications: Obtaining two certifications in AWS and Google to enhance team specialization.
  3. Meetup Organization: Exploring the idea of organizing a React or Social Tech Meetup.
  4. B-Corp Certification: Achieving B-Corp status to reinforce commitment to social and environmental performance.
  5. Digital Products: Launching five impactful digital products in the social tech space.

Quarterly Goals — Q1 2024

Motivating the Team with Unique Goals

“Make Brthrs great again!” This motto for Q1 2024 is not just a goal but a rallying cry for the team.

  • Success Reward: If successful, the team will celebrate by sailing together on the Waddenzee, reinforcing the value of family and co-creation.
  • Alternate Plan: If they fall short, they plan to kayak and clean up the canals, focusing on their commitment to the environment and the community.


Brthrs’ journey with the Scaling Up methodology illustrates that growth is more than just expansion; it’s about building a sustainable, structured, and goal-oriented organization. This approach has not only helped Brthrs manage its growth effectively but also ensured that the team remains at the heart of every decision and strategy. It’s a testament to the fact that with the right tools and mindset, agencies can scale up successfully without losing their essence.

