The Convergence of AI and Quantum Computing: A Cause for Concern?

Robert Keus
Brthrs Agency
Published in
4 min readJun 25, 2024
Sundar Pichai, CEO Google, stands next to a large, complex piece of quantum computing equipment. The person is wearing glasses and a dark jacket, and is interacting with the machine, which has numerous wires and components visible. The environment appears to be a high-tech lab, with various other equipment and cables in the background. The machine has a prominent red component at the top, and the overall setting suggests advanced technological research.

As we stand on the precipice of technological revolution, two fields are advancing at breakneck speeds: artificial intelligence (AI) and quantum computing. While each on its own presents both tremendous opportunities and challenges, their combination could lead to unprecedented and potentially concerning outcomes.

AI has already transformed many aspects of our lives, from voice assistants to recommendation systems. Its rapid progress shows no signs of slowing, with models becoming increasingly sophisticated and capable. On the other hand, quantum computing, though still in its infancy, promises to solve complex problems exponentially faster than classical computers.

What is Quantum computing?

Quantum computing is an advanced computing technology that leverages the principles of quantum mechanics to perform certain types of calculations and data processing tasks. Here’s a concise explanation of quantum computing:

  1. Quantum bits (qubits): Unlike classical computers that use bits (0 or 1), quantum computers use quantum bits or qubits. Qubits can exist in multiple states simultaneously due to a property called superposition.
  2. Superposition: This allows qubits to represent and process multiple states at once, potentially enabling exponentially faster computations for certain problems.
  3. Entanglement: Quantum entanglement allows qubits to be interconnected in ways that classical bits cannot, enabling complex quantum algorithms.
  4. Probabilistic nature: Quantum computations are probabilistic rather than deterministic, requiring multiple runs to achieve reliable results.
  5. Specialized problem-solving: Quantum computers excel at specific types of problems, such as optimization, cryptography, and simulating quantum systems.
  6. Current limitations: Quantum computers are still in early stages of development, facing challenges like maintaining qubit stability and scaling up the number of qubits.
  7. Potential impact: When fully realized, quantum computing could revolutionize fields like drug discovery, financial modeling, and artificial intelligence.


Quantum computing is not a replacement for classical computing but a complementary technology that could solve certain complex problems much faster than traditional computers.

The convergence of these technologies raises several concerns:

  1. Unprecedented computational power: Quantum computers could dramatically accelerate AI training and inference, leading to AI systems that surpass human intelligence much sooner than anticipated.
  2. Cryptography vulnerabilities: Quantum computers may break current encryption methods, potentially compromising the security of AI systems and the data they process.
  3. Unpredictable AI behavior: The inherent randomness in quantum systems could lead to AI decisions that are even harder to interpret or predict than those of classical AI systems.
  4. Widening technological gap: Countries and organizations with access to both advanced AI and quantum computing may gain an insurmountable advantage in various fields, from scientific research to economic competition.
  5. Ethical and control issues: The combination of these technologies may make it even more challenging to ensure AI systems align with human values and remain under human control.

A Theoretical Model: The Quantum-AI Acceleration Theory

A theoretical graph illustrating the Quantum-AI Acceleration Theory. The x-axis represents time, and the y-axis represents AI capability. Three curves are shown: a gradual upward curve labeled “Classical AI Growth,” a steeper upward curve labeled “Quantum Computing Growth,” and an exponential curve labeled “Quantum-AI Synergy.” The “Quantum-AI Synergy” curve starts below the others but quickly overtakes them, showing rapid, exponential growth. The graph is set against a futuristic, high-tech bac

To illustrate the potential impact of this convergence, I propose the Quantum-AI Acceleration Theory. This theory suggests that the combination of quantum computing and AI will lead to an exponential acceleration in AI capabilities, far outpacing the growth we’ve seen with classical computing.

[Graph description: The x-axis represents time, and the y-axis represents AI capability. Three curves are shown:

  1. A gradual upward curve labeled “Classical AI Growth”
  2. A steeper upward curve labeled “Quantum Computing Growth”
  3. An exponential curve labeled “Quantum-AI Synergy”

The “Quantum-AI Synergy” curve starts below the others but quickly overtakes them, showing rapid, exponential growth.]

This theoretical graph illustrates how the synergy between quantum computing and AI could lead to a dramatic acceleration in AI capabilities. While classical AI and quantum computing alone show significant growth, their combination results in an exponential curve that quickly outpaces the others.

It’s important to note that this is a simplified theoretical model and the actual development may differ. However, it underscores the potential for rapid, transformative change that could outpace our ability to adapt and implement necessary safeguards.


While the combination of AI and quantum computing holds immense promise for solving complex problems and advancing human knowledge, it also presents significant challenges. As these technologies continue to evolve, it’s crucial that we remain vigilant, invest in research on their ethical implications, and work towards developing robust governance frameworks. Only by staying ahead of these developments can we hope to harness their benefits while mitigating potential risks.

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About the Author

I’m the founder of Brthrs Agency, a leading AI agency based in the Netherlands. At brthrs, we’re at the forefront of AI innovation, working to harness the power of artificial intelligence while navigating its complex ethical landscape. Follow us for more insights on the future of AI and its intersection with other emerging technologies.

Feel free to connect with me or Brthrs Agency for further discussions on AI, quantum computing, and the future of technology. Together, we can work towards a future where technological advancements serve humanity’s best interests.

