
Bruce Winter
bruce photos
Published in
2 min readJul 27, 2016

We lost Boris last week. He was ready to go, tired of battling throat cancer since March.

A picture from his days as an accomplished conductor in Moscow:

This is one of Irina’s favorite photos:

This is one of Helen’s favorites, from a visit to her at Princeton:

I liked this one. He so much enjoyed food in every way possible:

I made Irina a picture book using this collection of photos:

I also found a few video clips of Boris and made her a 15 minute video. The last part has clips of him conducting a couple of concerts:

A few weeks ago this guy showed up near Boris’s backyard fountain:

We brought him in to visit with Boris for a while. When we released the turtle back into the yard, I like to think a bit of Boris went with him.

Missed, but remembered.

