Pretty Lights

Bruce Winter
bruce photos
Published in
3 min readJan 31, 2017

Guesses as to what this is?

A really bad hint: it is totally unrelated to these sparkling Hanuka candles.

Our record breaking 2+ month drought ended in a big way:

I ran the gravity fed creek fountains through a couple of freezing nights:

Resulting in some ice encased leaves and twigs:

Doggy tested out my new mini-Stonehenge benches. Those big flat rocks are at the limit of my one-man rock moving abilities:

Did some hiking in downtown Birmingham and found some pretty lights:

This pile of stuff is also about to become pretty lights:

It is a voice controlled back-light for our TV:

I have some video of it this video about voice controlled TV stuff:

In forest news, this big downed tree is slowly slipping off of a rock and onto power pole guy-lines. I had built a trail under it, which I now walk through faster than I used to :)

I also built a trail under this log, which somehow landed precariously onto another tree stump 10 feet up:

That mystery photo was a pretty paper thin log mushroom:


