
Bruce Winter
bruce photos
Published in
3 min readAug 31, 2019

Today’s mystery photo:

The Rochester house renovation is complete. New steel siding all around:

And complete up and down interior renovations:

We should close on selling it within a few weeks.

Zach used his profits from the work he put into the home renovation into buying a new van!

He also crashed his bicycle, ripping up his shoulder pretty bad.

This is the same van that Amazon is buying now for their delivery service. 4 wheel drive for those Montana Winters.

Nick’s company just launched a new adventure game, as well as getting some more funding: .

That mystery photo was looking down the gullet of one of our pond fish

Some of our fish have been disappearing. We suspect raccoons and water snakes, like this guy:

He is non-poisonous, so I grabbed him and moved him up-creek 100 yards:

We rented an interesting house on the gulf. After getting stuck in the elevator for 15 minutes, we stuck with the stairs:

Beautiful view of St Vincent’s Island. Using my finger and guessing the height of a tree, I used geometry to calculate the distance to the island at 2000′, within 10% the 1800′ that google maps said:

We had fun with a kayak, other then when we flipped it in shallow water and broke something in Helen’s foot:

Aya and Eric joined us. They just got a kitten, so the used a kitten-cam to keep an eye on her:

Closing with 2 minute pond tour video:


