23 Thankful Transfers

Rushna Raza
Bruin TC Media
Published in
5 min readNov 23, 2017

Thanksgiving break is a much-needed opportunity for students to rest and recharge before the chaos of finals, and is a small taste of the Winter break to come. This holiday is also the perfect time for transfers new and old to pause and reflect on their journey at UCLA and take inventory of the people, places, and experiences that have made their short time here the most successful and memorable.


“I’m thankful for a university that cheers me on as much as I cheer it on.” — Jillien


“I’m thankful for being able to use more resources than were available at my community college, and the exposure to different kinds of people.” — Charlie


“I’m thankful for the dedicated staff who always have a smile while serving us breakfast in the morning.” — Krystal


“I am super thankful for all the legit Asian restaurants in Westwood!” — Queenie


“I’m thankful for the opportunity to have hands-on lab experience and make what I learn about DNA in textbooks come to life.” — Abed


“I’m grateful for the vibrant culture and tons of activities to do in Los Angeles.” — Ketana


“I am thankful because I am at UCLA so I know I am already doing something right! But also for having a space at the Transfer Student Center where I can connect with other students with similar experiences.” — Aaron


“I am thankful for the life and health of my loved ones, for the transfer community here at UCLA and all the amazing supporters we have on campus. Special shoutout to Heather Adams, the true and only MVP of the transfer community at UCLA! I’m especially thankful for the presence of my brothers and sisters here in the #1 public university of the U.S, and for our continuous and never ending resilience.” — Alejandro


“I’m thankful for being around smart people who motivate me every day to work hard and do my best.” — Bernice


“I’m just thankful the government is paying most of my tuition. And for airplants.” — Ryan


“I’m grateful for the strong Transfer community. Even though we’ve all had different experiences and come from different backgrounds, we still have similar goals and feelings; we just get it.” — Sarah


“I’m thankful for my Intro to LGBT Studies professor, Dr. Schultz, and the existence of the community here on campus.” — Benny


“I’m thankful that transfers come in with the fuller life experiences and knowledge that traditional freshmen don’t, which makes us better, more well-rounded students.” — Ahmicqui


“Joining ACA has been one of the biggest blessings at UCLA thus far. I had barely any hip hop background as I was studio-trained, but ACA breaks those boundaries and experiments with the idea of all forms of movement as one entity. I dance for the joy of reacting with my body to sounds of music, but sometimes passion needs more intention than that. Dancing empowers me to tell a story, and I choose to tell those stories with a family.” — Michelle


“I’m grateful for graduating early!!!” — Tanvi


“I am very grateful for the inclusion the school has for transfers and veterans, especially by having our very own Centers.” — Jamie


“I’m thankful for being around the beautiful campus architecture. It makes me feel like I’m at a historic and great research university, and I’ve wanted to come here since I was a kid.” — Aaron


“I am most thankful for all the support from my family, partner, friends and the transfer community. Because of the support I know my dreams of pursuing a career in biomedical research is attainable.” — Johnny


“I’m thankful for roommates that are clean.” — Pawan


“As a non-traditional student at 29, I’m thankful for the camaraderie I’ve found at sports games and study groups and for the quality of schooling that brought me to UCLA.” — Amit


“I transferred here from Irvine, and I am thankful that the students here are more academically involved and that the professors are more caring towards students.” — Innajae


“I’m thankful for the amazing research opportunities I’ve had with Dr. Correa’s estrogen response lab, and for the Undergraduate Research Scholars Program that helps finance my education here.” — Patricia


“Blessed with sunrise views from Holly 10.” — Rushna

Comment what you’re thankful for below!

