From Transfer to Transfer

Katie S.
Bruin TC Media
Published in
5 min readJan 23, 2019

I have been trying to motivate myself to write on my own blog, yet I am able to have enough time to write for a different blog. I don’t mind at all, though. Maybe someday this could be useful to nervous future UCLA transfers, like I was once. This post purely focuses on the things you’ll learn your first quarter. Will my experience help everyone? I wouldn’t say 100% yes, but it’s experience to help you guide others nonetheless.

My first quarter at UCLA. What did I see? I would see students randomly throw up in the bushes, and I’m still not sure why. The more common sight, students crying in public areas on campus with headphones on. And I would be staring at this all thinking, why is there so much stress in such a beautiful place?

The worst part, because it is such a beautiful place and such a great school, is that only UCLA students understand your stress. When I describe the pressure and expectations to anybody else, they never understand. They say things like, “If I was living in Westwood at one of the best schools in the world, I would be grateful and that only.” I mean, yeah of course I’m grateful, I picked this school after all. All of us Transfer students picked this school because we knew it was going to be amazing. While it would be nice to be heard once in a while, this is sadly not usually the case.

However, I was finally heard by my friends- who, ironically, are all transfers. We all have our own stories of how we accomplished goals before getting accepted. Either having to live with our parents or moving in with three roommates in one tiny place, we all had to make the best of our time to become a Bruin. Some of us were super involved at our community college, some of us had crazy awesome grades. And now we’re here, and school is school. It is work, and a lot different to what most of us are used to.

The Transfer Community is amazing, whether you’re involved at the Transfer Center or not. If I could give any advice, go to the Transfer Center for resources when you have the time. Go to transfer events or even Holly (on-campus housing for transfers) for mingling with your fellow comrades (it sounds weird, but trust me, myself and many others did it and never regretted it). They’re also all probably as stressed and confused as much as you. For example, I would randomly get lost on campus and have no clue where I was. I lost my Bruin Card like 7 times (I ended up actually losing it and buying a new one for $25 so DON’T LOSE IT). I had no idea what a Discussion was or what a Course Reader was (Discussion is an added time to your lecture that is essential to your success, and Course Reader is articles for your class that’s all in one book). You figure it out though. It’s ok to be a mess your first few weeks at UCLA, trust me. I don’t know a single Transfer who was cruising in the beginning.

My advice to Bruin transfers is to not lag on reading. Stay on top of your courses because you will regret it when midterms and finals come. Of course, there will be time to have fun and volunteer for events on campus. The more you figure out your time and manage it, the better. I think the one thing you learn from your first quarter is how much work you need to put in your classes and how you can take a breath more than you realize. It’s all going to be ok, and if you can’t focus you are allowed to take ten minutes to get some fresh air. Walking through the sculpture garden helps. Actually, walking anywhere to certain parts of campus helps. It’s hard to be mad at the school even during your most stressful times because everywhere on campus is so breathtaking. My favorite on campus location to escape to is Il Tramezzino. They have the best iced vanilla lattes and beautiful outside seating where you feel like a forest is right next to you. It’s hard to believe there are cars bustling nearby in that serene setting. It’s located at the Anderson Business School which has the prettiest architecture on campus. At least, that’s what I think.

Sometimes you can’t escape feeling overwhelmed, and that’s ok too. I was literally on the verge of tears and panic attacks my whole first quarter. But I tried all the things I mentioned before. And I still walk through the sculpture garden, I still grab an iced latte at Il Tramezzino to read in their patio area, and I still go to the Transfer Center to study when I need motivation to avoid procrastinating. Laying on the grass anywhere on campus helps. Petting the millions of dogs you see around campus helps. Hunting down Powell the cat and feeding him helps (don’t worry, he usually has friends who have cat food ready to give out to visitors of the famous feline). Going to events of destress during Finals Week are necessary (free massages, face masks, and other resources because that’s what’s up). Don’t get stuck in a stressful rut, try.

Other than that, the most important thing I can say is, it will all pass. One quarter under the belt, and you will be fine. I promise.

