10 Stereotypes every EU official / trainee will meet

Dont’ judge other people, except when they deserve it

Brussels Brief
Brussels Brief
4 min readNov 8, 2017


Being in the EU bubble means meeting a lot of new people and you’ll surely make a lot of new an unexpected acquaintances during your time in Brussels.
On the other hand you’ll surely also see (and have confirmed) some pretty classic stereotypes of people. Here’s a list of our top 10 stereotypes anyone in the EU bubble can’t avoid.

1: The French boss who only speaks French

Although they lost the battle of Waterloo to the English the French never stopped resisting and one marathon fight they never retreat from is the language battle. Although French is losing influence in the EU (and the world might we add) to English every day, the French legion de bureaucrates never gives up. If your new boss is French better brushen up your subjonctif before next unit meeting. Courage!

2: The German: punctual and orderly

The Germans don’t have their reputation for nothing and things have to be done by the book, alphabetically. Although not the most entertaining of bosses, the Germans are usually reasonable and carefully consider inputs. However, a unit meeting might end up a snooze fest when you trash through agenda point

3: Luckily the Italians tend to brighten up the mood.

Always late, always full of excuses, always loud and always up for a cup of coffee, which they immediately trashes for being subpar to even the worst machine-brew in a forsaken Tuscan village( when it comes to the Commission coffee, they got a point we might add). Stay close to this one for the latest gossip — you might just hear of an position opening up.

4: The lazy official

That one guy in the office who somehow has gotten a promotion twice even though the only major accomplishment achieved seems to be arriving on time for lunch each day. Every unit has that one guy or gal who is pure deadweight and pushes tasks to other colleagues. Just make sure it isn’t you!

5: The hyperactive employee

He or she always wants to raise a point during unit meetings and has just one too many follow up questions on that not-so-important point on the agenda, that you’ve already wasted 45 minutes discussing. On the positive side this person is usually really good to be around Christmas time (=cookies and what not).

6: The quiet one

That one colleague you never heard from, you never really spoke to and who’s name you kinda already forgot. what else is there to say… Guess we forgot it already.

7: The asshole boss

Some people are not meant for leadership and there’s always someone who end up with a boss they’d like nothing more than to get away from the sooner the better. We’ve been there too and our best advice is just to suck it up and look forward to the last day you have together. At least you won’t be stuck in the same office after your traineeship (unlike your other co-workers who won’t have the same luck).

8: The super excited trainee

You will inevitably see one trainee who is more positive and enthusiastic about even the most tedious task or situation. If you get off on the wrong foot this person will drive you insane, but if you get along well you’ll have a buddy to pick you up on grey Brussels days and be able to see the irony in even the most senseless bureaucratic situation.

9: The College of Europe trainee

This person thinks he already knows everything. Nothing is worse in the Bubble than hearing about the “other bubble”. We’re talking about the College of Europe Gang. The mafia, as these alumni are often referred to, usually come straight from having finished their degree in Bruges and think they know everything already. Worse they think they know everyone in Brussels (which it sometimes seem they do) but don’t let appearances fool you, after a couple of months they ain’t got nothing on you.

10: The Brussels Brief reader

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