Hello Heart is Enterprise Level Heart Health

Cheryl Cheng
BRV Signals
Published in
2 min readJan 23, 2018

According to the American Heart Association, 1 in every 2 American adults (112 million) have high blood pressure. High blood pressure is a leading risk factor for heart disease and stroke, the leading causes of death in the United States. Despite the large numbers and severe consequences, millions of Americans do not address their high blood pressure. It is not because they don’t care. Like many chronic illnesses, high blood pressure is complex and management requires education and behavior change.

1 in every 2 American adults (112 million) have high blood pressure.

Over the last 5 years, more and more companies are self-insuring. What used to be a large company trend has now moved to mid-sized companies where in 2016, 66% of companies with 100–500 employees self-insured. Companies are looking for ways to help their employees stay healthy with cardiovascular health on the top of that list.

We met Maayan and her team three years ago when she was embarking on the journey to empower patients to understand and manage their own health. Hello Heart combines the power of intelligent software with the ubiquity of mobile devices to give patients easy, actionable, and repeatable steps to manage their blood pressure with real time feedback. Offered as a service through employers, Hello Heart addresses this massive population health issue at scale and with no cost to patients and clear ROI to employers. Each year, high blood pressure costs the nation $48.6 billion in health care services, medications, and missed work days.

As investors, we are always excited to solve big problems and cardiovascular health definitely qualifies as a large problem. What is more exciting is getting the opportunity to work with passionate, driven, tenacious entrepreneurs who set their sights on making a difference in the world. We very much look forward to supporting Maayan and the Hello Heart team in this journey to empower patients for better health outcomes. Welcome to the BRV family!

