Goals: April 2018

Bryan Robbins
Bryan Loses Weight
Published in
2 min readApr 2, 2018

Weight Goals

I had an April 2 target weight of 282 lbs, and an actual weight of 282 (-16 lbs YTD).

My goal for May 7 is 275 lbs.

Tracking 2018 Weight vs. Goal

Diet Plan

I used Soylent shakes much less often during March and was barely able to keep the weight loss moving for 4 weeks. I actually gained 2 lbs in the third week of March, and struggled to lose any weight on the 4th week!

For April, I’m going to try to make some workout adjustments to compensate instead of cutting additional calories.

Workout Plan

For March, I lifted weights on a pull/legs/push rotation 5–6 days per week. While I’m sure this was adding to my muscle mass, it also caused me to get quite hungry during the week, and nearly stalled out my weight loss.

Because I have a goal of losing only about 1 lb. per week, I am going to try adding “light cardio days” back into my routine while still doing strength training roughly the same amount:

  • Monday: Pull + Push
  • Tuesday: Light Cardio
  • Wednesday: Legs
  • Thursday: Light Cardio
  • Friday: Push + Pull
  • Saturday: Heavy Cardio

Here is an outline of what I currently do for strength training. I actually vary the specific exercises significantly, mostly by using a machine or plate-loaded alternative for isolation.

Strength Training Routines

Additional Goals

I missed on both of my additional goals, again! Hoping to still accomplish these in April:

  • Transition to self training
  • Find a new doctor who is an internist

I did hit a personal record on a 5K walk this month of 51:08. To pull this off, I had to jog for several 0.1–0.2-mile stretches. I hope to have a sub-50' walk on at least one of my Saturdays in April, and that will require even more jogging.

See you in May!

If you haven’t read it yet, you might find my post about “Guiding Principles” interesting.

