Goals: May 2018 (and a 12 Month Update)

Bryan Robbins
Bryan Loses Weight
Published in
2 min readMay 16, 2018

Looking Back

As of this 2nd week of May, I have been making a concerted effort to lose weight for 12 months. I celebrated my 2017 calendar year accomplishments quite a bit, but wanted to take a minute to look back at this significant milestone as well.

Since May 15, 2017, I have:

  • Lost 72 lbs
  • Lost 8+ inches in the waist
  • Seen significant strength gains and visible muscle development, particularly in the legs, back, chest, shoulders and biceps
  • Developed enough stamina to walk 90+ minutes (5+ miles) up to twice a week without pain
  • Developed enough discipline to eat an appropriate number of calories per day (2000–2500).

Weight Goals

I had a May 14 target weight of 274 lbs, and an actual weight of 272 (-26 lbs YTD).

My goal for June 4 is 271 lbs.

Diet Plan

My diet continues to be pretty stable, as it seems like most weight loss right now is coming from strength training and cardio rather than cutting calories. It doesn’t seem like I need to make any changes here for May.

Workout Plan

The April workout plan of cardio between three heavier workout days seems to be working also. I don’t plan to make any changes there in May.

Additional Goals

I did finally transition to self training and to a new doctor in May. I also picked up my first significant injury from workouts (injuring a back muscle during a leg press exercise) but I’ve thankfully been able to fully recover.

Also, we are having a little competition at work that involves counting steps. I’ve challenged myself to be above our office’s average step count, which for me is a pretty significant activity level (it takes me about 10 minutes on average to walk 1000 steps at my default pace). The last time I checked, the group average for our team was around 7000 steps per day.

The next couple of months may prove challenging personally as well, as my wife and I are pinching the budget a bit more to purchase a house. We’ve had to cut out a few things in terms of our diet (like expensive protein powder and our copious amounts of fiber bars) until that transaction is done.

See you in June!

