Photoblog — Riprap Hollow

Brendan Sheehy
BS Around The World
2 min readFeb 23, 2016
Starting out along the Appalachian Trail
Chimney Rock vista
Looking across the Shenandoah Valley
Riprap Creek
One of the best swimming holes I’ve seen in Virginia. Need to come back during the summer.
A nice little waterfall along the creek trail
Flowing ice frozen along a rock face.
More ice cliffs
Even though it was 65 degrees outside, there were still a few pockets of snow
Along the last few miles of the Appalachian Trail, the snow was completely unmelted.
Bonus gear review — My new Vasque St. Elias GTX boots. Man, these things are awesome. I’ve been using trail runners for the past few years on hiking trails. The extra ankle support is crucial for me, since I am constantly rolling my ankles. I also really appreciated the ability to walk nonchalantly through 5 inch water with completely dry feet while others on the trail were precariously balancing on stepping stones.

