Optional Chaining in React Native

Nayeem Reza
Published in
2 min readJul 2, 2018

In the June 2018 release of React Native (0.56.0) they had announced the enabling of optional chaining operator ?. plugins. Previously we’ve to manually add babel-plugin for syntax-optional-chaining to use this operator. So, here comes the question; what is the purpose of this optional chaining operator thing?

Problems in Property Chaining

We normally encounter the state where an expected member of a property chain is undefined or null. Suppose we’re getting the data from an API call; we expect user.profile.avatar to exist but for some reason the profile is missing from the user object;

data = {
user: {
firstName: 'Uranium',
contactNo: '+88017261069XY'
console.log(data.user.profile.avatar);>> Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property 'avatar' of undefined

Let’s see some of the existing solutions that we can use to solve this issue -


const avatar;try {
avatar = data.user.profile.avatar;
} catch (error) {
avatar = null;

Ternary Operator

const avatar = data.user === undefined 
? undefined
: data.user.profile === undefined
? undefined
: data.user.profile.avatar;

Logic Expression

const avatar = data.user && data.user.profile && data.user.profile.avatar;

In my opinion, these procedures are a bit Ugly, Noisy, Burdensome, and Verbose. Here’s where optional chaining comes into action. We can have the fun of using it like this:

data = {
user: {
firstName: 'Uranium',
contactNo: '+88017261069XY'
// doesn't throw error ✌️

That’s much easier, right? As we’ve seen the usefulness of this feature, we can go ahead and take a deep dive.

Array index Out of Bound is a common phenomenon in the programming world, optional chaining works for array property access too:

data = {
user: {
profile: {
friends: ['Goldie', 'Nowshad'],
function getFriends(data, index) {
return data.user?.profile?.friends?.[index];

We can also check the existence of a function:

data = {
user: {
profile: {
friends: ['Goldie', 'Nowshad'],
getFriends() {
return data.user.profile.friends

Expressions will not execute further if that chain is not complete. Under the hood, the expressions are practically transformed to this:

value === null ? value[expression] : undefined;

Basically in a short, we can sum up this like — nothing after the optional chain operator ? will be executed if the value is undefined or null. So, as a whole optional chaining reduces the need for if statements, imported libraries like lodash, and the need for chaining with && logical operator.


Here’s one of the links to the proposal of adding optional chaining in Javascript, and this is the babel-plugin-proposal link. Finally the commit link of adding the optional-chaining plugin to RN 0.56



Nayeem Reza
Editor for

Fullstack Developer at EMBL ▪ Love 🚴 🏔 👨‍🍳 🍻 🎧