3 reasons why using virtual events as a business strategy is a good idea

Veronika Stanitz
2 min readOct 14, 2021


One year ago, virtual events seemed to be a temporary solution to keep businesses afloat for a couple of months…

If you look around today, online events became a popular and handy tool for all kinds of businesses.

Not only because companies need to adapt to uncertain times, but because they’ve discovered the power of virtual events.


In the world of the internet, people don’t really trust each other. Without trust, companies can’t sell products.

Virtual events are perfect for building trust, fast.

Thanks to live video, they are a window of transparency into the organization. Allowing a business to showcase its knowledge and expertise in a way that feels natural, unscripted.

Providing value with insights and even challenging participants to see things differently, leaving the business to position itself as an authority, while creating awareness and interest for its products.


Due to the high leaps in virtual event technology, you can now bring many elements of the physical world into the virtual space.

From networking events for like-minded individuals to discuss and share ideas to webinars that approach your target groups with educational quality content.

Thanks to the nature of virtual events, you can provide more personalization opportunities. How you put your event together is all up to your goals and needs.

Unlimited Reach

Growing in virtual space is different from growing in physical space. There’s no limit for events online.

Because you can reach more people regardless of their current position. It allows you to bring them into your virtual conversation from all over the world.

And it works! Because people realized that you don’t need to have to network face-to-face to meet new leads. Even if participants can’t shake hands, they can still network limitlessly online. By using the clever matchmaking technology of virtual events they can do it anywhere.

Get Started With Virtual Events

All in all, virtual events let you share the most important insights to keep targeted people in the loop. It’s a universal communication tool that shows participants the value of your work. A live video provides participants with the content they care about without any need for traveling and physical presence.

A virtual event is an appreciated business tool and definitely here to stay.

Struggling to deliver engaging online events?
Check out our brand new Free Guide with Engaging Virtual Event Insights to deliver your virtual event with no mistake



Veronika Stanitz

A communication, events, and marketing enthusiast who loves to gain and share knowledge in these fields. #storydrivenvirtualevents