7 Non-traditional Ways To Use SMS For Better Business Results

Irene Rufferty
Published in
4 min readMay 31, 2017

Versatility is one of the greatest, though rather underestimated, values of SMS. It’s often used in sales for better results with many enterprises: retailers, financial establishments, courier services and even more. Here are some more extraordinary ways to maximize the value of SMS solutions nowadays, as well as in the nearest future for your business.

Way #1

It’s not surprising that the value of SMS for retailers is immense. But what about the rest of people? For them, SMS is the same highly readable and convincing way of receiving data with the immediate value. More than 80 % of USA adults actively use text messaging in order to communicate via their favorite mobile devices. No wonder, a text message is convenient and easy, it has more than 98% open rate. Though phone calls are still in the place, SMS is far more personal and extremely simple.

So, another non-standard way of using SMS for business is having SMS as a powerful mobile marketing tool. So, businesses use it in order to send out coupons, promote flash sales, or drive foot traffic. The sky is a limit in using SMS for marketing! Simply because mobile devices have firmly entered the user’s lives and are nearly always with them while on the go, the chances of reaching a customer via SMS are higher than ever. Indeed, it’s easier to reach a mobile person with SMS rather than with an email, phone call or a direct mail.

Way #2

Forming and adopting a forward thinking business mentality is a must for a successful product manager. It means being tuned in and committed to the cutting edge technologies, including text messaging. How to do that?

The truth is that more and more businesses begin adopting new SMS strategies, there is an urgent need of becoming even more creative in launching SMS marketing campaigns in order to enjoy the fullest competitive advantage ever. So, the next non-standard way of using SMS for profit is sending content that is far beyond any coupon codes, product recalls or delivery notifications. It’s the so called value added content: in this case — SMS with a useful link.

Way #3

Texting to customers in order to warn of stock & inventory changes or any other updates is another not traditional way to achieve better business results. When you sell products, it’s extremely important to avoid forcing a potential customer returning to the store over and over again, which will only breed frustration and discontent. It’s better to gather the customer’s information via SMS and send out updates as soon as certain items are back in stock.

CRM & SMS Integration for Better Customer Management

Way #4

Internal employee communication is well achieved with the help of text messaging. Many people have no idea how profitable SMS may be while head-hunting for new employees, especially from abroad. If you have your workers located all over the world, SMS is the best and the most reliable way to inform them of many other events, too.

Eleventh hour replacements or manager notification about variety of concerns and issues that may occur throughout the working day is also possible with SMS, and is as easy as enhancing the internal employee communication.

Way #5

SMS is not merely the tool of pushing out the information. It is widely used to elicit the information back from the customers. Getting feedback is what this is all about. So, gathering feedback is another non-standard way of using SMS for the good of your company. SMS text that asks for feedback is not so easy to compose correctly, but still it’s 100% and send, effective way to appeal to your target audience directly and get the feedback to the point in the right place in the right time.

Way #6

Another non-traditional way to use SMS is to make them stand out while communicating with your customers. To achieve creativity, use grammatical violations or contractions with the most loyal customers or potential target audience, attention of which you wanna drag and are sure they appreciate creative SMS. The truth is that using modern SMS language with phrases like “playing around” in the informal setting of texting provides the chance to practice even more alternative ways of linking sounds and letters within the limited message space. So, be it thanks or thanx is up to your imagination and ability, which is well-known to underlie strong reading and spelling skills.

Way #7

Do not forget to use SMS in order to congratulate your partners of the most valuable clients. The point is that with the help of the personalized message, sent to favor a person you may achieve much more feedback in the future than ever. People like congrats and cannot possibly stand reacting on them either immediately or later on.

Keep these non-standard and more extraordinary ways to maximize the value of SMS solutions and ways of using SMS in mind for better business results. Good luck!

