How to Write SMS Text That Really Sells

Irene Rufferty
Published in
4 min readJul 20, 2017

You probably know that the text of the message is the key to a successful SMS messaging. D’you wanna learn how to compose both literate and successful texts for SMS messages? If you need to know how to create the message that will encourage customers to buy, this is your lucky time.

SMS Message Writing Tips

There are certain tips that will help you to compose the messages that really sell for your SMS campaigns. Mobile marketing allows variety of SMS texting combinations to be used to better reach the target audience and make it buy your services or products.

# 1 — Make a hook

It’s highly recommended starting your message with a hook. For example: Check this out! Finally! At last! Hooray! It’s over!, etc. Such a hook will immediately attract, focus and keep the attention of the potential buyer and encourages him to read the rest of the message.

# 2 — Focus

It’s essential to stay focused on the basic information only in your message. You may also write in
capital letters the key words: SALE, DISCOUNT, SPECIAL OFFER, etc.”. For example: “20% DISCOUNT on household goods …”.

# 3 — Show respect

In your messages, always stay thankful and show respect for your customer. Use the pronouns you, your or call the clients by their names in the text of the message.

# 4 — Save space

Save your working space, use numbers if possible. Less talk more action is the key. Such approach arranges direct access to the data, without any text water that distracts.

# 5 — “Question-answer” format

When you write in this style, you provide your customer an opportunity to interact. For example: “Do you know where the best price for bulk SMS is ? — at BSG SMS, of course!

# 6 — Add money back guarantees

By adding money back guarantees to your message, you are more likely to increase the customer loyalty to your business. For example: “We deliver the ordered goods in 20 minutes or return the money!”

# 7 -Set time frames

Promotions, discounts and other special offers should be limited in time. Here you should create the impression of a necessary and urgent purchase. For example: “50% off Turkey tickets. Till the end of this week only!”

# 8 — Use stimulating words

You should also use such stimulating words as: “Hurry, Hurry up, Don’t miss the chance, Catch your chance, Grab the opportunity, etc.” This is also a mini-call to action, which once again attracts the clients’ attention.

# 9 — Make it exclusive

Send messages that provide discounts only after their submission. This will create a personalized message effect. For example: “On submitting this message, you receive 15% DISCOUNT for facial care products …”.

# 10 — Compare Prices

Play with the comparison of the old and new prices. Thus, you motivate the customers for buying goods at certain time. For example: “Today watermelons in the store for only $1.99, but tomorrow for $2.49 again. So, hurry up now!

# 11 — Make it unique

Generally, always strive to create unique messages, messages that will not leave your customers indifferent and will make the most effective advertising for your business.

Also, keep in mind that SMS-messaging can be of 3 types:

  • Transaction;
  • Informative;
  • Advertising.

Transaction SMS are used by money transfer systems used by the variety of services.

Information dissemination of messages is more suitable for communication with regular customers. This may be newsletter for banks, auto dealers, service centers, beauty parlors, on line stores, Internet providers, restaurants and insurance companies or health care, etc.

The main task of such messaging is to inform about necessary services for the client, opening hours, new offers, congratulations on holidays, increase customer loyalty, etc.

Advertising messaging, in turn, is communication with potential clients. And even though you do not know them, you need to motivate them to buy a service or a product. Therefore, the main feature of such messages is a call to action. SMS advertising is suitable for all types of businesses, especially for small business companies and start-ups.

If you have more ideas on how to write SMS text messaging really selling, you are welcome with your suggestions below!

