To Help Your Business Market Like a Champ In 2018

Irene Rufferty
Published in
4 min readFeb 21, 2018

Over the past few years E-mail news messaging, alongside triggered SMS messaging have been a boon to startup founders, big business entrepreneurs, and marketers all over the world. Additionally, we’ve found out how it helps businesses to market even better, which can be used for the future achievements, simply because e-mail marketing is not dead, neither is SMS.

Since SMS has indicated cosmic outcomes as a promoting medium, it is still a standout amongst the most mainstream channels, if not all of them, and is taken after by both independent ventures and immense organizations. So, never be too skeptic about SMS for business, especially in a new business year, which is not far off.

Ways to Use SMS for the Company’s Good

To prepare for a new business year, you need to think about how to use SMS for marketing purposes the best way.

Many people think that there are only three types of SMS: advertising, information and congratulatory. Well, yes, these are the main ways of communicating with customers and attracting new consumers that increase the chances of our business to market like a champ.

But many do not even realize that there are at least 11 more kinds of specialized SMS-campaigns, thanks to which real increase in sales and more efficient conversion of potential customers into permanent ones are possible.

SMS-poll is more than just a marketing tool

  • Using polls in messages, you can get the necessary information from customers, which can help to optimize your business and make it even more convenient for them.
  • A customer survey can turn over the entire, already developed, marketing scenario and point out the possible flaws that need to be addressed and fixed.
  • Also, recognizing the opinions of your customers, you increase their loyalty and show them their value for your company, which the key to successful win-win relationships.

Who can use SMS polls?

To provide SMS polls and organize questionnaires among the clients is possible for absolutely all businesses and companies, as well as non-profit organizations.

Event organizers can easily get the opinions of the audience about different competitions, venues, dishes and even about the list of stars, invited.

The owners of restaurants will receive valuable information on the preferences of their customers through the survey and can pay attention to the tastes and diversify the assortment in favor of their loyal clients.

Small business owners know the consumers’ opinion about their products and services, and they can also get feedback on the ways to improve the quality of their products & services.

Online stores can conduct SMS polling of their customers and find out what group of goods they would like to receive a discount.

Why are SMS polls better than paper questionnaires?

There are numerous advantages of using SMS for marketing instead of old-fashioned clerical means like filling in the gaps on the sheet of paper or answering phone poll questions, etc.

  • Paper questionnaires can be lost, messages are always stored in your database.
  • When calculating the results from paper questionnaires, you can make up for it, which will never happen when you automatically count mobile messages.
  • The processing of SMS polls and voting do not require many employees.
  • You will also not need additional people to distribute and collect the questionnaires.
  • Customers respond to a message much easier and faster than filling out a text document, everybody actually hates.
  • You will be able to attract your potential customers to take part in the survey anywhere on the go: in transport, on the streets, at work or at home.
  • To maximize the reach of the audience, the survey can be placed on billboards or any other advertising platforms.

There are many ways to help your business. All that you need is to take your time to better arrange it succeed like a champ in 2018. Feel free to use our help too!

