Five Things You Should Know About BSN-DDC Platforms

Products and Services
5 min readApr 7, 2022

On January 25th, 2022, the Blockchain-based Service Network (BSN) officially announced the BSN-Distributed Digital Certificate (BSN-DDC) Network with eight platform operators and seven Open Permissioned Blockchains (OPB) to support the adoption of NFT in China. This article will help you understand what the BSN Platform is and how the Platform can join the BSN-DDC Network.

1. What is the BSN-DDC Platform

There are three parts involved in the BSN-DDC Network, including BSN-DDC Network Operators, blockchain framework providers, namely OPBs, and BSN-DDC Network Platforms.

BSN-DDC Network Operators are responsible for reviewing the access application to the BSN-DDC Network and supervising the daily operation of the BSN-DDC Network. The BSN-DDC Network is built using OPBs as the underlying framework, allowing permissioned control over node deployment and payments in fiat rather than cryptocurrencies.

What is the BSN-DDC Platform?

If a company chooses to operate as a BSN-DDC Platform, generally, it should build a BSN-DDC service platform or portal to provide DDC services, such as DDC generation and management, to end-users or developers. Platforms must be China-registered legal entities and sign the partnership contract with the Blockchain-based Service Network Development Association (BSNDA) in order to access the BSN-DDC Network.

2. Quickstart on the BSN-DDC Network

The diagram explains how companies can become platforms on the BSN-DDC Network and what you should do next:

1) Platforms must register an official account on before accessing the BSN-DDC Network.

2) To activate the DDC service, platforms need to log into after registering.

· Platforms should apply to join the BSN-DDC Network after registration. Operators will review and pass the application within three days. Once approved, the partnership contract will be sent to platforms.

· After signing the contract, Platforms need to submit the DID information and DID signature and then download the DDC service activation certificate to join the BSN-DDC Network.

3) Platforms should recharge their accounts to call smart contracts on the BSN-DDC Network and pay for transaction gas fees.

4) Platforms can create one or more projects according to their business needs based on an OPB.

5) To execute on-chain transactions, platforms should create one or more chain accounts on an OPB they prefer.

6) Gas fees should be paid by platforms when deploying and executing transactions on the BSN-DDC Network. As a result, platforms must recharge gas fees in their chain accounts.

7) Calling official BSN smart contracts involves a DDC service fee. In the case of platforms deploying and calling their own smart contracts, they will not be required to pay the service fee. It should be noted that gas fees and official DDC service fees charged to chain accounts are not refundable.

3. Two ways for Platforms to access the BSN-DDC Network

Platforms can access the BSN-DDC Network to manage on-chain transactions via the following two methods:

1) Access via the BSN-DDC gateway: Platforms can access all BSN-DDC Network's services and execute DDC smart contracts directly through the BSN-DDC gateway.

Generally, the gateway has a limit of 100 transactions per second (TPS), while each OPB has a limit of 1,500 to 3,000 TPS to avoid congestion and low transaction efficiency. If excessive transactions are made, platforms have to wait a few minutes as they do on public chains.

2) Access via BSN-DDC SDK: As a devkit, BSN-DDC SDK is a collection of development tools encapsulated with OPB communication methods, algorithms, and the official BSN-DDC proxy contract. By using BSN-DDC SDK, platforms can quickly access the BSN-DDC Network and customize their smart contracts.

4. DDC Services for Platforms

As part of the BSN-DDC Network, platforms can enjoy services such as DDC generation, DDC transfer, DDC query, project and chain account management, gas fee and transaction records query, and many others. For example, by employing the OpenAPI on the BSN DDC Network, platforms can establish an unlimited number of blockchain projects for free supported by OPBs. Furthermore, platforms can create chain accounts on the OPB they prefer for end-users and recharge gas fees for each chain account.

After registration, platforms can download the User Manual on the BSN-DDC Network to get further details about BSN-DDC services.

5. Platform Partners

The eight BSN-DDC platform partners include 350-year-old state-owned art house, museum, and auction house Rong Bao Zhai Auction, global blockchain leader EY Blockchain, China's second-largest tax-based receipt service provider Baiwang, Digital Art Fair Asia, a next-generation art fair showcasing digital NFT art and immersive art experiences, etc.

As we continue to work with more platform partners, we expect to make BSN DDC a diversified NFT/DDC network for everyone interested in leveraging NFT/DDC technology in and outside China.

Here are a series of articles about the BSN-DDC Network and the BSN Open Permissioned Blockchain (OPB):

For more detailed information about the BSN-DDC Network and how to join us, don't hesitate to get in touch with us at



Products and Services

The BSN is a cross-cloud, cross-portal, cross-framework global infrastructure network used to deploy and operate all types of blockchain DApps.