Introduction of the BSN Empowerment Platform

Products and Services
4 min readAug 17, 2020


Blockchain-based Service Network (BSN) is a cross-cloud, cross-portal, and cross-framework global public infrastructure network that is used to deploy and run blockchain applications. Its purpose is to greatly reduce the cost of development, deployment, operation, maintenance, and interoperability of blockchain applications.

BSN aims to build an Internet of permissioned and permissionless blockchains with millions of DApps, all deployed, managed, and interoperable on the BSN.

BSN offers three main services: permissioned services, permissionless services, and interchain services. The BSN ecosystem consists of three main components: Frameworks, Public City Nodes (PCNs) and Portals. BSN will expand by building additional PCNs throughout the world, integrating more frameworks into the ecosystem, and supporting more BSN-based portals (“BSN portals”).

Within the BSN portals, developers can purchase BSN resources, deploy permissioned DApps, update smart contracts, manage off-BSN system access, create projects and keys for connecting to public chain nodes and more. The portals are the gateways for developers to access BSN offerings. All portals are completely designed and built by their operators. BSN only provides a set of APIs for the portals to communicate with BSN’s network operation centers (“NOCs”). The NOCs receive and execute requests from the portals. Therefore, the BSN portal operators have full authority and flexibility to build portals based on their specific requirements. Portals manage their own users, process payments, and add any other services besides BSN enabled services. Every BSN portal has its own look and feel. For many portals, the developers and users do not even realize that they are using BSN enabled services.

For a full-functioned BSN portal, a BSN Empowerment Platform (BSNEP) is installed. It provides the portal with the core APIs of the BSN. The following table contains the main API descriptions:

There are three types of BSN portals:

  1. Permissionless Service Only Portal: Provides only public chain access services.
  2. Permissioned Service Only Portal: Provides only permissioned services including permissioned chain building, Dapp deployment, smart contract update, certificate management, etc.
  3. Full-functioned Portal: Provides both permissionless and permissioned services.

The BSN China official portal ( is a Permissioned Service Only Portal, while the BSN Global official portal ( is a full-functioned Portal. They are both built based on the Empowerment Platform, which gives the option for third-party portals to duplicate their functionality. Permissionless Service Only Portals are not required to install the BSNEP.

A BSN portal can deploy permissioned Dapp peer nodes to different cloud services with a single click, have multiple permissioned frameworks to choose from, and offer one unified gateway to access dozens of public chain nodes. The best way to build a BSN portal is to build it into an existing website, such as a developer community website, news website, or any other type of website that attracts blockchain developers. It takes approximately one week for an experienced web developer to add a Permissionless Service Only Portal to an existing website. Full-functioned portals take more time — roughly 6 person-months. Currently, this is the cheapest and easiest way in the world to add powerful blockchain as a service (BaaS) functionality to a website or to build standalone BaaS portals.

On BSN, permissioned service pricing is based on usage of TPS (transactions per second), storage, and bandwidth of each peer of deployed Dapps. Permissionless service pricing is based on the number of requests. Portals receive wholesale pricing through BSNEP and can set their own retail prices (the retail prices must be equal to or greater than the wholesale prices).

As stated before, portal operators have full authority and flexibility to build portals as they want.

The following list shows how flexible they can be:

● For permissionless services, portal operators can filter out any public chains they do not want their users to access. Similarly, they can also filter out any PCNs and permissioned frameworks for permissioned services.

● Portals have full ownership of their user information. There is no API from BSNEP to collect end-user information. BSN never stores any user’s personal information. Portals are responsible for their own user privacy.

● Besides a small BSN logo at the bottom of a BSN portal, the operators do not need to reference the name “BSN” anywhere on their portal.

● Portal operators can freely update the BSN user manuals from the BSN official portals without worrying about any copyright issues.

● Operators can build BSN functionalities into a small section of an existing website, along with any other services (as long as they are legal and comply with local laws and regulations).

● BSN can handle technical support and customer service for the portals to help make it more efficient and effective.

● Portals can be created in any language and with any design. Permissionless Service Only Portals can even be an iOS or Android application

To conclude, with BSNEP, website owners can quickly and easily build world-class, powerful, and full-functioned blockchain service websites or apps at an exceptionally low cost. If you are interested in learning more about BSNEP and BSN portals, please contact us at for further information.



Products and Services

The BSN is a cross-cloud, cross-portal, cross-framework global infrastructure network used to deploy and operate all types of blockchain DApps.