BSN Update Notice for 31st October 2020

BSN News
2 min readAug 23, 2020


The BSN development teams are constantly improving the BSN infrastructure and ecosystem. There is a major update every three months, and a minor update almost every week. The next major update will commence on the 31st of October 2020, and will include the following improvements and new functions:

BSN International Portal

  • Various bug fixes and UI/UX improvements.
  • Launch the BSN Permissioned Testnet for users to test their smart contracts for free for permissioned frameworks such as Hyperledger Fabric and FISCO BCOS etc.
  • Integrate 9–15 public chains for users to access.
  • Optimize the APIs and process for third-party websites to embed BSN permissionless services.

BSN China Portal

  • Various bug fixes and UI/UX improvements.
  • Launch the BSN Permissioned Testnet for users to test their smart contracts for free for permissioned frameworks such as Hyperledger Fabric, FISCO BCOS and XuperChain etc.
  • Commercialize XuperChain and Fabric SM2 frameworks.
  • LaunchesBSN Private IPFS beta testing in China.

BSN Infrastructure

  • Finish integrating CITA permissioned framework and launch beta testing.
  • Finalize network-level developments and configurations for commercialized XuperChain and Fabric SM2 frameworks.
  • Build the BSN Permissioned Testnet and management mechanisms to support more frameworks.
  • Showcase the BSN Interchain Communications Hub (ICH) demo.
  • Deploy the Private IPFS to ten public city nodes (PCN) in China.
  • Launch the BSN Open Permissioned Blockchain Project in China, stay tuned!
  • Update the BSN Empowerment Platform to implement APIs for new functions mentioned above.

If you have any questions, please feel free to contact us at



BSN News

The BSN is a cross-cloud, cross-portal, cross-framework global infrastructure network used to deploy and operate all types of blockchain DApps.