Private BSN at A Glance

Products and Services
5 min readNov 12, 2020

The Blockchain-based Service Network (BSN) is a cross-cloud, cross-portal, cross-framework global public infrastructure network that provides developers with a one-stop-shop solution to deploy and manage all kinds of decentralized applications (DApps) seamlessly. The BSN reduces the cost of adopting blockchain technology while supports interoperability between different frameworks and ecosystems. The BSN’s vision is to become the “Internet of Blockchains”. To achieve this, the BSN has integrated most of the top permissioned blockchain frameworks as well as mainstream public chains worldwide. The BSN services are made available around the world through BSN portals and public city nodes empowered by top-tier cloud providers. Currently, the BSN has a global deployment of over 120 public city nodes, covering all provinces and major cities in China as well as international nodes distributed across six continents. With all DApps running and interoperating on the BSN, this allows trusted sharing of data and digital assets worldwide, leading to a truly interconnected world.

BSN is a public infrastructure (like the internet) and does not belong to any single organization, while Private BSN is built on intranets or Local Area Networks (LANs), which are private networks used by organizations to communicate exclusively within their workforces. Intranets or LANs are essential because they provide secure, private, and authorized network service to governments, financial industries, power grids, judicial fields, etc. Therefore, BSN’s R&D team launched Private BSN to facilitate enterprises and governments to easily adopt permissioned blockchain technologies within their intranets by using the same core technology as that of the public BSN.

Traditionally, developing and managing permissioned DApps (private or consortium chains) is very costly because each DApp would require a resource environment. Specifically, a resource environment includes cloud resources, frameworks, operating environments, certificate management, development SDK, and gateway API, which is a sophisticated system that can only be built by blockchain specialists. More DApps means more resources and ultimately, a higher investment. Additionally, each DApp or chain with different frameworks is segregated from one another on an intranet and does not support interoperability, which creates data silos and makes it extremely difficult to manage and monitor them in an intranet environment once the network scales to hundreds of permissioned chains.

In comparison with existing blockchain solutions in the market, Private BSN provides a unified resource environment for all DApps, which optimizes the usage of resources. Moreover, interoperability can be achieved at all levels (i.e. frameworks, chains, and networks). Users can easily publish, participate in, and manage various DApps based on different frameworks via application portals and API interfaces. Through the management system of Private BSN, administrators can review and supervise all DApps and manage the respective users and certificates as well.

Major Features of Private BSN

1) Supports multiple frameworks

The BSN has integrated multiple permissioned frameworks in its ecosystem. Currently, Private BSN supports mainstream permissioned frameworks including Hyperledger Fabric, Fisco BCOS, CITA, Xuperchain, etc.

Starting December 2020, popular public chain frameworks including Polkadot, Tezos, Algorand, Cosmos, Ethereum, Huobi Chain, Nervos, and IRISnet will be transformed to open permissioned frameworks and supported in Private BSN based on customer specifications and requirements.

More frameworks are being constantly integrated into the BSN ecosystem, thus allowing enterprises and organizations to easily plug in new frameworks into Private BSN as needed. Currently Corda, Quorum and EOS Enterprise are in the pipeline to be integrated onto both public BSN and Private BSN.

2) Supports unlimited DApps on the integrated frameworks

Private BSN supports an unlimited number of DApps on any chosen framework as long as there are enough resources on the intranet to support them.

3) Supports interoperability

DApps deployed on different frameworks are not isolated in Private BSN. Within Private BSN, an Interchain Communications Hub (ICH) is established to enable blockchain applications interoperable across different frameworks. It also supports interoperability between private and public BSN and external blockchain ecosystems if needed.

4) Provides a unified management system

Through the management system of Private BSN, administrators can deploy, review, and supervise the DApps conveniently, and adjust user permissions and data permissions at any time.

All certificates, user information, application chains, resources, and off-chain access can be managed by the administrator of Private BSN.

5) Provides a unified CA management

The unified CA service, supported by Private BSN, has integrated multiple cryptographic algorithms. The CA service can be integrated with the key systems of clients’ intranets and provides unified issuing and management of user (and other types of) certificates. The implementation of the unified CA service can be done by either software or hardware encryption.

6) Saves costs

Private BSN is a cost-effective investment. Instead of building separate environments for each DApp, Private BSN provides one resource environment for all DApps, allowing sharing and optimization of resources.

With Private BSN documentation and training, the current technical staff that manages traditional applications on the intranet will be able to learn to develop and deploy DApps within days and it is unnecessary to hire blockchain developers.

The maintenance cost is relatively low because all the DApps are managed in one resource environment.

7) Offers resource optimization

The system resources (vCPUs, storage, and bandwidth) allocated to the Private BSN are at a reasonable utilization rate of 60–70%. They support the hot deployment and dynamic reloading function. The resources are also pluggable, and users can add or remove them on the fly.

8) Provides a DApp store

Private BSN comes with a DApp store. Through the management portal, the latest DApps of relevant business are displayed and users can contact the service provider directly to purchase.

To understand the value proposition of Private BSN better, by comparing with existing solutions in the market, we present a more straightforward illustration of the competitive advantages of Private BSN (Table 1).


To conclude, Private BSN offers compelling blockchain solutions for the intranets or LANs, and out-competes any existing solution in the market as none of them can provide DApps services that allow the deployment of an unlimited number of DApps, multiple frameworks, and enable interoperability at all levels. With a unified resources environment and a management system for all DApps, it significantly lowers down resources costs and improves the efficiency of development, deployment, and management of DApps. If you are interested in learning more about Private BSN, please contact us at for further information.



Products and Services

The BSN is a cross-cloud, cross-portal, cross-framework global infrastructure network used to deploy and operate all types of blockchain DApps.