7 Questions To Answer Before You Talk To A Mobile Development Company About Your App

Bstorm ⚡️
Published in
3 min readJan 18, 2018

Got a genius idea for a brand-new app to take the world by storm? Great! But before you hire a development company to transform your dream into a reality, there are a few questions you’ll need to ask yourself first. If you don’t have a clear vision in mind before you get started, then it’s easy for your app to wind up off track- and for you to spend a lot more money than you initially planned to. Make sure you think about the following as early on as possible in the process, so you’re completely clear on how the app development process should progress.

Who is your app aimed at?

Before you start getting ahead of yourself, it’s essential to consider exactly who your target audience are, and what your app has to offer them. There may not even be a market for your app- in that case, it’s time to go back to the drawing board and rethink your app idea with an audience in mind. By understanding your audience and their unique needs, you and the mobile development company will be able to work together to ensure that it appeals to them directly.

What’s your budget?

This is possibly the most important question of all to ask yourself before you start speaking to app developers. If you don’t have a clear idea of your ideal budget, then it’s very easy to get swept along in the excitement of your new app, and end up spending way more than you can afford. On the other hand, if you have a figure in mind before you even start shopping around for a developer, then you can gather quotes from different companies, and choose the best one for your budget.

Do you have a monetization strategy in mind?

While plenty of people out there release apps for free, most publishers are looking to make some money out of their creation. There are three main monetization strategies used with apps: you can either charge users an initial, one-off fee to download the app, provide extra features in so-called “microtransactions”, or sell advertising space within the app. Tell the developer about your preferred strategy, and they can ensure that it’s integrated into your app from the very beginning.

When do you want to release your app?

If you’ve got a limited timeframe in which to release your app, then you’ll have to let the mobile development company know this in advance. That way, they can work to your schedule, and ensure that everything is ready to go when you need it. If you aren’t clear about your deadlines upfront, then you could well find that the developers end up running over your planned release date.

Will the app include your company’s branding?

If yes, then that’s one less thing to worry about- the design can draw from your existing brand, which will help to tie your app and other materials. If not, then don’t panic- the development team will be able to help you come up with a design scheme for your app.

Will your app need support after it’s released?

After launch, you’ll naturally want your app to keep running smoothly, so that users always have an excellent experience. It’s therefore a smart idea to hire the development team to continue providing updates and bug fixes throughout the app’s lifespan. That way, you’ll be able to provide the public with a top-notch app for a longer period of time.

What about security?

If your app is going to require users to input sensitive information, such as credit card data, then security will be a must. That data needs to be stored security, since a data breach could end up costing you a lot of money in fines and compensation. A good mobile development company will be able to work with you on security, and recommend the ideal solution to suit your needs.



Bstorm ⚡️

We are a mobile development company, taking your projects from initial ideas to developed success stories!