Why Is Animation Considered More Powerful Than A Video?

Ava Jones
BStudioAtive Blog
Published in
2 min readOct 4, 2018

It just is out of our minds! We saw a forum, and there was an ongoing debate over video vs. animation.

Till now nobody has concluded the debate. Some people were more facile while others’ were in the shade. We thought of concluding the debate for you; why people opt for animation companies in Karachi rather than contacting the advertising agencies.

To end this merry-go-round for you; we have jotted down the reasons that will wipe out the fog from your brains.

We will tell you why animation is considered powerful in comparison to videos.

Long Story Short; Complex Story Turns Into A Simple Message

The animation is unbeatable when one talks about the economic way of conveying a message. It possesses a powerful potion to turn your complex story or message into a simple form that is easily understandable by all.

It is justified to say that a plethora of words doesn’t work wonders, but few frames of animation do.

Regardless Of The Language, One Can Understand It Easily

The animated characters and objects let you drive the meaning out of the whole story though you don’t understand a single word. The sky is the limit for you! You can explain the complex concept easily with the wand of animation. You don’t have to use a typhoon of words when the frames of animation are there to rescue your story.

It Draws The Attention

The first thing we look for is the way of getting the attention of your audience. Due to catchy graphics and colors, it holds the attention of your users. The paramount of animation is exceptional, and one can win the entire race with it.

Removes The Language Barriers

When the pictures convey your message abruptly, you don’t need words then. No matter in which language the voice over is, people can grasp the central concept if your animation is made to perfection.

Falls In Your Budget

Animation never goes out of your budget. If you compare it with the live action video; hiring the full cast and crew, doing the art direction, hiring the location and bearing expenses of all these things isn’t easy. When you opt for an animation, you save yourself from this trouble and get your work done quickly within the bearable amount.

Live action videos eat up your money. The worst part is that you never know whether the whole video will turn out to be good or not.

