The CrowdFunding Marketplace

Increasing success of crowdfunding campaigns by making expertise and knowledge accessible!

Alex Oberhauser
BTC Funding


Getting started with crowdfunding is a challenging endeavor. It is not enough to have a great idea and manage then the received funds. The success of a crowdfunding campaign depends additionally on your marketing effort and your reputation. Here most campaigns fail. But don’t worry we are here to help you out.

The solution to this problem is to bring the right people and organizations with the right knowledge and expertise together with campaign creators. By making knowledge, how to manage different stages of a crowdfunding campaigns, easily accessible, the success of your campaign could be drastically increased.

Screenshot of the current marketplace under

Our team, together with a network of partners, works currently to tackle that problem and to improve accessibility to needed knowledge and expertise. If you checkout the crowdfunding campaign creation wizard you notice that you can customize your campaign. In the future all services will be easily accessible via marketplace. It will be also possible to add and remove services from existing campaigns.

Selected Partners


Securing your bitcoins and using them shouldn’t be hard.
Bitalo makes it easy for you to exchange and spend your bitcoins while making them more secure than stored on your computer.

How to use it in your campaign?

After linking your Bitalo wallet to your BTC Funding account you can directly payout all received funds to one of the most secure wallets in the space. For your convenience you can also use your Bitalo account to login to BTC Funding.


An excellent video grabs attention and shows your audience you care about a great presentation and about details. It makes for a fun and easy way to learn why they need you. It will make your brand memorable and convert those viewers into users or buyers.

How to use it in your campaign?

Do you need a video to explain or showcase your idea. Hypercube Studios creates a professional video for your campaign. Explain your idea to the world. Explanatories videos can significantly increase your reachability and received funds.


BlockTrail B.V. provides secure bitcoin infrastructure for developers and enterprises, enabling advanced transaction functionality and access to refined economic data-sets. Founded in 2014 and based in Amsterdam, the Netherlands, BlockTrail B.V. is dedicated to delivering better tools for the bitcoin economy.

How to use it in your campaign?

Coming soon! After activating Blocktrail support for your campaign your bitcoin addresses are labelled in the Blocktrail Explorer. Potential supporters can then verify if a bitcoin address is really related to your campaign. Additional it exposes your campaign to a broader audience.

We are currently working with more partners to bring even more services to support campaign creators to raise funds. Are you are interested to be part of our partner network? Contact us under



Alex Oberhauser
BTC Funding

Founding CEO of @Sigimera and Creator of @BTCFunding - Tech-Entrepreneuer, Blockchain Engineer, Citizen of the World and Inhabitant of the Cyberspace