Amazon Hints At Roadmap For Cryptocurrency Payments — BTC Bros Ltd

BTC Bros
Published in
2 min readSep 12, 2021

With cryptocurrencies rapidly gaining popularity, various organizations and businesses across are interested in this niche to leverage it for their own interests. The latest addition to this bandwagon is the world’s biggest online retail store, Amazon.

A couple of months ago, Amazon posted a hiring position for a product leader and blockchain strategist. The job posting also mentioned that the new potential employee would be working with Amazon’s Payment Acceptance and Experience team to develop Amazon’s digital currency, blockchain strategy, and product roadmap.

This created a frenzy amongst the followers of the giant, and within no time, speculations began making rounds all over the internet.

However, Amazon themselves put out a statement to numerous publishers and websites regarding their plans to ‘explore’ cryptocurrency payment products through a spokesperson.

The spokesperson said, “We’re inspired by the innovation happening in the cryptocurrency space and are exploring what this could look like on Amazon. We believe the future will be built on new technologies that enable modern, fast, and inexpensive payments, and hope to bring that future to Amazon customers as soon as possible.”

Although the statement didn’t reveal how everything will unfold, it hints at customers being able to pay for the products via cryptocurrencies in the future. If or when this happens, it would be a huge step forward for both the company and the crypto world. Previously we’ve seen PayPal, WordPress, etc., adopt and accept Bitcoin, but this could be bigger since Amazon is looking at cryptocurrency as a whole.

The company also mentioned that the new hire will essentially lead the overall vision, “gain leadership buy-in and investment for new capabilities,” and work on a “launch strategy.”

Amazon has been increasingly moving towards the crypto world, and it looks like it wants to leverage blockchain in various legs of the company. Earlier it was looking for a Head Of Product for the Amazon Managed Blockchain, which supports developers to build dApps in the Hyperledger Fabric on Ethereum.

However, Amazon isn’t the only corporation keenly looking at blockchain and crypto. In May, this year, Apple also put out a job posting for a “Business Development Manager for Alternative Payments.”

Alternative Payments could be a definitive hint at the company’s interest in cryptocurrencies for its payment vertical. The new hire would be expected to lead alternative payment partnerships.

It is indeed significant progress for people who are backing cryptocurrencies and the entirety of the crypto world and brings us all a step closer to the world where cryptocurrencies would become the primary currency.

Originally published at on September 12, 2021.

