BtcEX — How We Are India’s Most Transparent Crypto Exchange?

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4 min readJul 3, 2020
BtcEX — How We Are India’s Most Transparent Crypto Exchange?

Transparency has always been one of the major concerns of crypto exchanges around the world. Their liquidity, audit reports, and team members are hardly known to anybody.

Though in recent times a number of exchanges have made significant approached to win people over, there are always some “hidden files”.

Trust is absolutely necessary where your money is involved and in a volatile and uncertain market of Cryptocurrency, you can’t ignore the transparency quotient.

This is why we at BtcEX believe in full transparency towards the public. We will be undertaking several measures to ensure that absolute faith and knowledge are maintained towards our investors and traders.

But, how can we say that we are different than others? How can we claim to be more transparent?

These are the questions that we will address right here.

How is BtcEX the “Most Transparent” Crypto Exchange?

You just don’t become transparent by only naming yourself as transparent.

There are some significant steps that we plan on implementing that will ensure that people trusting us with their money are happy and have all the information they deserve to know.

Here are some of them —

Audit Reports

Audit Reports are probably the most important tools to signify the financial state of a company. According to Investopedia,

The auditor’s report is a written letter from the auditor containing the opinion of whether a company’s financial statements comply with generally accepted accounting principles (GAAP).

So, basically, an Audit report entirely explains the financial state of your institution.

And in terms of a Cryptocurrency exchange, the Audit Report contains the revenue, profits, expenses, trading volume, liquidity, fund storage, fee structure, and more of that particular exchange.

BtcEX will be publishing its Audit reports on a daily basis explaining all the major aspects of our Exchange to the public so that they are well-aware of the financial front of the institution they are investing their money with.

So, our users will have the exact knowledge of where our funds are stored (hardware wallets), the liquidity position of our exchange, trading volume, and all of the matters on which they have the right to know about.

This is what sets us apart because never before has any exchange ever taken such sort of step. You tell us when was the last time you saw an Audit Report from other Crypto exchanges?

We believe it is our duty to inform you about every little thing that is concerned with you and your interests.

Trading Volume and Fees

Crypto exchanges have been using bots to enhance their trading volumes whenever their graph has gone down the slope. This not only generates extra orders but leads to price manipulation as well.

So, the customer and the trader never gets to know the real, genuine liquidity state of the exchange.

BtcEX has a policy of never using any of the bots or manipulative techniques to amplify our liquidity. Our traders will always be aware of the exact and authentic liquidity of the exchange.

As far as fees are involved, the Majority of crypto exchanges out there have a long list of charges that you are required to pay at the time of buying or selling cryptocurrency or even at withdrawing like the — maker fee, taker fee, etc.

We, at BtcEX, have eliminated all of the avoidable charges so that you only pay for the crypto you buy or trade. Plus, you will have the exact knowledge of why you are charged.

And by the way, if you start trading right now, you can trade at 0% commission!

Order Book & Token Listing Process

BtcEX has a clearly defined strict set of guidelines that govern our token listing process or the ICO.

Prior to the ICO, we undertake a series of inspections on the creators, liquidity quotient, future, and more about the token. We won’t list a token we don’t know much about just because they are paying us a good amount!

A number of instances in the past have shown that exchanges have listed an ICO without considering its liquidity, price, and trading volume. Plus, the price manipulation adds the rest of the hype to the incompetent tokens.

Consequently, traders had to suffer. But at BtcEX, no price manipulation

Also, the Order Book in BtcEX will show you the real-time data to assess the transaction in a better way.

Exact information about the transaction between two parties is visible without any alteration or manipulation.

KYC & Data

KYC and User data is by far the most important aspect of transparency. And this is where BtcEX is extra careful because protecting your data is our utmost duty.

We adopt appropriate data collection, storage, and processing practices and security measures to protect against unauthorized access, alteration, disclosure or destruction of your personal information, username, password, transaction information and data stored on our Site.

Also, BtcEX will collect personal identification information from Users only if they voluntarily submit such information to us.

Start trading in cryptocurrencies with BtcEX — Click here. And avail the maximum benefits from their latest offers.

Maintaining transparency is not an easy task but at the same time, it is insanely crucial. We promise our users the most transparency to build trust and this is what we deliver.

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