Openstack usages (create network, image, instaces, etc.)

M. Lutfi As syafii
Published in
4 min readApr 17, 2023

Specification : openstack, internal & external networks, flavor, images, instances, key, security groups

Summary step

  1. Create external network
  2. Create router
  3. Create internal network
  4. Add internal network to router
  5. Create images
  6. Create flavor
  7. Create Instances & key
  8. Add floating IP
  9. Create security groups
  10. Add SG to instances
  11. Verify VM connectivity

Step 1 by 1

1. Create external network

Goto admin pages, and please follow guide correctly

Make Physical Network use physnet1

Add Network address by using ens4 network address, because for external & floating IP, make sure this network can connect to internet.

2. Create router

Add router

Make sure external network using previously created

3. Create Internal network

This network for instances private IP, you can use custom address

You can choose anything private address :

4. Add internal network to router

Back again to router menu, and add internal network on router like bellow :

Make sure network correct :

5 & 6, Create images & Flavor

We use lightweight image with cirros


Create image

openstack image create \
--container-format bare \
--disk-format qcow2 \
--file cirros-0.5.2-x86_64-disk.img \

Create flavor

openstack flavor create --ram 512 --vcpus 1 --disk 10 m1.tiny

7. Create instances

add VM name

Chosse cirros image

Choose flavor

Choose internal network

Create new keypair or you can paste pubkey

8. Add floating IP

Click on instances, choose floating ip address

For pool, you need use external network

Yeay, you already have floating IP

9. Create security group

security group like firewall, you can open or closed port, by default deny all, we need create first to open

Go to security groups menu

Add rule for allow, bellow example allow all ICMP

allow all TCP (Only for test, better open by need)

10. Add SG to instances

11. Verify VM connectivity

Bellow you can see, we can access VM using Floating IP & VM can ping to internet :)


Originally published at




Published in btech-engineering

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