Setup NFS Server using NFS Ganesha Gluster

Combined GlusterFS & NFS Ganesha

Btech Engineering
4 min readDec 6, 2022


GlusterFS & NFS Ganesha


Network File System (NFS) is a distributed file system protocol, it allowing a user on a client computer to access files over a computer network much like local storage is accessed. Using NFS we can store our file without add more disk or local storage on our computer. NFS protocol originally developed by Sun Microsystems (Sun) in 1984.

NFS Topology


GlusterFS is free and open source software scalable, distributed file system that aggregates disk storage resources from multiple servers into a single global namespace. You can create large, distributed storage solutions for media streaming, data analysis, and other data- and bandwidth-intensive tasks.


  • Scales to several petabytes
  • Handles thousands of clients
  • POSIX compatible
  • Uses commodity hardware
  • Can use any ondisk filesystem that supports extended attributes
  • Accessible using industry standard protocols like NFS and SMB
  • Provides replication, quotas, geo-replication, snapshots and bitrot detection
  • Allows optimization for different workloads
  • Open Source

Gluster file system supports different types of volumes based on the requirements. Some volumes are good for scaling storage size, some for improving performance and some for both.

NFS Ganesha

NFS-Ganesha is a user-space file server for the NFS protocol with support for NFSv3, v4, v4.1, pNFS. It provides a FUSE-compatible File System Abstraction Layer(FSAL) to allow the file-system developers to plug in their storage mechanism and access it from any NFS client. NFS-Ganesha can access the FUSE filesystems directly through its FSAL without copying any data to or from the kernel, thus potentially improving response times.

— Gluster Docs



Before setup NFS Ganesha, we must setup GlusterFS

Setup GlusterFS


  • Spec: 8Core, 16GB RAM
  • OS : Ubuntu 20.04
  • Root Disk: /dev/vda 30GB
  • Additional disks: /dev/vdb 20GB
  • Gluster mode: replicated

Edit /etc/hosts on all node

nano /etc/hosts
... gluster01 gluster02 gluster03

Create partition for Gluster

# Execute on all node
mkfs.xfs /dev/vdb
mkdir /glusterfs
mount /dev/vdb /glusterfs
mkdir -p /glusterfs/replicated

Installation glusterFS

# Execute on all node
apt update
apt install software-properties-common
add-apt-repository ppa:gluster/glusterfs-10
apt update
apt install glusterfs-server

Start glusterFS service on all node

systemctl enable --now glusterd

Create Peering between node (Execute on node gluster01)

gluster peer probe gluster02
gluster peer probe gluster03

Check peering status

gluster peer status

Create gluster volume

# Exceute on node gluster01
# Create volume
gluster volume create vol_replica replica 3 transport tcp \
gluster01:/glusterfs/replicated \
gluster02:/glusterfs/replicated \

# Start volume
gluster volume start vol_replica

# Check volume
gluster volume info

Setup Ganesha


make sure no similar nfs service is running. For example the service nfs-server.service

systemctl status nfs-server
systemctl disable nfs-server
systemctl stop nfs-server

Setup nfs-ganesha-gluster

# Exectue on all node
apt update
apt install nfs-ganesha-gluster glusterfs-ganesha

Disable NFS feature on Gluster

By default, if we create a new volume on glusterfs the nfs.disable setting is on.

gluster volume get vol_replica nfs.disable
Option Value
-------- -------
nfs.disable on

If value is off, we need to change

gluster volume set vol_replica nfs.disable on
volume set: success

Create Configuration NFS-Gluster

# Backup original configuration
mv /etc/ganesha/ganesha.conf /etc/ganesha/ganesha.conf.orig

# Create new configuration file
nano /etc/ganesha/ganesha.conf

Edit new configuration files on all node

# possible to mount with NFSv3 to NFSv4 Pseudo path
mount_path_pseudo = true;
# NFS protocol
Protocols = 3,4;
# default access mode
Access_Type = RW;

# default log level
Default_Log_Level = WARN;

%include "/etc/ganesha/gluster.conf"

# uniq ID
Export_Id = 101;
# mount path of Gluster Volume
Path = "/vol_replica"; #mesti disamain sama nama volume
name = "GLUSTER"; # jangan diubah, ini adalah nama lib ganesha yang diimpor (
# hostname or IP address of this Node
hostname="gluster01"; # sesuaikan dengan masing-masing hostname
# Gluster volume name
# rconfig for root Squash
# NFSv4 Pseudo path
Pseudo="/vol_replica"; # mesti disamain
# allowed security options
SecType = "sys";

Activated service NFS-Ganesha

systemctl restart nfs-ganesha
systemctl enable nfs-ganesha
systemctl status nfs-ganesha
# if failed, try to check log at /var/log/ganesha/ganesha.log

Verify Mount Point Ganesha

showmount -e localhost

Export list for ss-ganesha-compute1:
/vol_replica (everyone)

Whats next?

In this article, we have done to setup glusterFS with NFS Ganesha. As endpoint, we can connect to the NFS server to access file-system. For the next step, we can add High Availability for our NFS Ganesha to Prevent loss of data when one node is not ready.

By Sofyan Sugianto, OPS Team Btech



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