Time with Rizky - Drop out from Campus to Become a World Champion.

Rizky Journey to WSC Kazan, Russia. (English version)

Btech Engineering
5 min readSep 14, 2022


Another Side of the Btech Engineers

Rizky Muhammad, two things about him are smart & hard work. You can see below he flies the Indonesian flag with pride after a long preparation & struggle.

Don’t fight halfway & because no struggle is in vain ~Rizkymu

So today, we want to share a story from one of the Btech Engineers. Rizky started his journey with IT in 2015 during high school (SMK N 4 Bandung). Indonesian Vocational High School has a competition named LKS (Lomba Kompetensi Siswa), in 2017 Rizky stood with a good performance and came out as 1st Champion in West Java Region.

First time: Confused

Continuing to the National Level after passing the Region Level, Rizky faced his first confusing moment: the LKS National Competition in Solo was held the same day as Campus Selection at Bandung Institute of Technology. Which one will he choose?

Rizky chose to continue his fight in LKS National Competition, and again, he came out as the 1st Champion. He was optimistic about the next level, ASEAN Skills Competition (ASC) in Bangkok. Rizky occupied the 2nd place in the selection towards ASC, while the 1st place went to Zasda Yusuf Mikail. The good news for him, the 1st & 2nd winners are entitled to the ASEAN Level. This makes Rizky happy and keeps his optimism for Win.

Another Confused: ASEAN Skill Competition

Rizky preparing for this competition located at Binus Jakarta. He moves from Bandung to Jakarta for 8–9 months. Because of a long time of preparation needed, he was confused. He has to make a hard decision, Drop Out of Campus and continue his fight with the competition or Giving Up his Dream to become a Global Champion and continue focusing on his study at UNIKOM Bandung.

The answer is: “Don’t fight halfway because no struggle is in vain.”

After winning 2nd place along with Zasda Yusuf Mikail in the 1st place in ASEAN Skill Competition — which was very good news for Indonesia that received the Gold & Silver Medal — Rizky re-registered again to UNIKOM Bandung and continued his study. Yes, you are right. Rizky chose to leave his routine as a student for a while and focus on the competition.

Zasda (left), Angga Friyanto (Instructor) (middle), Rizky (right)

Competition in Desert: Next Journey

This part was the first time Rizky traveled to the Desert. ASIA Skill Competition was held in Abu Dhabi. He came to this competition individually and received accommodation support from Campus for two weeks. Then, Rizky won. again. He finished ASIA Competition as the 1st champion.

Photo by Fabien Bazanegue on Unsplash

Final Round — World Skill Competition at Kazan, Russia

Is he gonna be a Champion?

Angga Friyanto, the 1st Champion in WSC 2013 Leipzig, Germany, guided Rizky to prepare every single thing needed as his instructor and motivator before going to Kazan, Russia. All Indonesia teams going to WSC were invited to meet Joko Widodo, President Republic of Indonesia.

Meet with President, Istana Negara — Jakarta

18 hours spent on the way from Indonesia to Kazan, Russia. Arrived in Kazan before the competition, the team went for a walk. These parts are the unique story and his culture shock experiences from Rizky.

Culture Shock

Kazan, Russia, has cold weather. Rizky doesn’t know about it he just uses T-Shirt, not a Jacket, and “it’s very cold,” he said hehe.

From Rusia Beyond

Confidence is Key

Rizky holds that Confidence is the key. We need self-confidence, don’t hesitate, just do it.

Rizky during competition
IT Network System Administration

Champions on WSC 2019 Kazan, Russia

Finally, after hard work, consistency, confidence, and most importantly, Pray, Rizky won the 2nd champion in WSC 2019 Kazan, Russia.

Besides Rizky, Indonesia has three persons on the podium:

  • Mochammad Hafid Miftah, Bronze Medal (Plastic Die Engineering)
  • Rizky Muhammad, Silver Medal (IT Network Systems Administration)
  • Hengky Sanjaya, Silver Medal (IT Software Solutions for Business)
Photo from Kemendikbud

Today Rizky’s Activity

After being a Global Champion, just like his Dream, Rizky gets many awards from campus, the government & President, and from it, he has a New House, making his family & parent proud.

He is still consistent in learning and keeps up the hard work. And Now, Rizky is working together as part of the Btech Team and as a student at Universitas Komputer Indonesia (UNIKOM).

Last from Rizky

Keep it up, don’t fight halfway & because no struggle is in vain, and remember مَنْ جَدَّ وَجَدَ (Man Jadda Wa Jada)

Thank you for Reading. This story is from one of the Btech Engineers. Hopefully, it motivates everyone.

Author :

M. Luthfi As Syafii, Research Manager | LinkedIn

Editor :

Sartika Lestari, Brand Strategist | Linkedin



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