Jennifer Bailey
BTG Life Cast
Published in
4 min readJan 13, 2018


BTG: The Word in Action

Walking beside Ben as his wifey has been an adventure, in almost every way, including spiritually. We are so very different!! Despite where Ben is on this rollercoaster of life, up on a mountain, down in a valley, walking the dessert for years… he turns to the power of the Word. It’s so evident and clear. His knowledge is inspirational and encourages me every time I hear him discuss the truth of the word in such a foundational, clear way. A teacher who can list point after point in clear language what God says because he’s studied over and over. Even in his lowest of lows he would open the Bible and weep or stare blankly, just hoping to feel God pop from the pages, as he found himself pushing yet another rock onto the foundation of the scripture God has laid down for him.

Me on the other hand? Not so much! I am, what you would call, a “feeler”. A worship moving, fuzzy feeling, passionate, intimate connector. God and I, we talk. He shows me things visually, in examples, in different ways than my husband. Often times I can easily get caught up in feelings, because they are so strong and real to me. They are good, and God given, to help me to love, connect, share, be open, and show the glory of God. However they can also lead me easily astray, which is where I am forever grateful for a husband who has taught me how to be grounded in the Word as I work through these feelings. How to discern if they are based on Gods truth or based in a distraction to take my eyes off of Him. And how might one do that?

  1. Read the Word!

Even though I can’t sit down and read the word like my husband can, chapters at a time with study bibles, looking up the Greek, in a context of 35 years of studying it… what I can do is simply read and allow the Holy Spirit to lead me. I pray, ask God to lead me, and follow that “feeling” leading of the Holy Spirit to guide me to the truth of the Word that I so desperately need in the time I’m in. Being a mom of 4 kiddos 6 and under means some days it might simply be one scripture and other days I can read a chapter, despite the amount, I know when I trust God to lead it, it’ll be exactly what I need to hear and the truth to guide my feelings and heart back to Him.

2. Context!!!

I have read the Bible in it’s entirely — does that mean I remember everything and can perfectly place it in context? Absolutely not. Yet the context of pulling scriptures and words for the Bible is so important. If I was having a conversation and you walked up to hear me say “that snow is yellow”. You may assume it was peed on, you may walk away disgusted. However in context of the conversation I was explaining how I was writing my kiddos name in food color in the snow and needed the yellow snow for a letter. If you only looked at a portion of what I said, you could mislead yourself and other about what is going on with the snow at my house (sorry weird example, I am a mom in Central New York in winter ha ha). Anyways, my point is, how important it is to ensure when you’re reading portions of the Bible to make sure you’re understanding it in its proper context. I often utilize Matthew Henry’s commentary, or other biblical commentaries, that help to provide the context when I can’t read a chapter at a time.

3. Believe the Word

I know this might sound simple and silly to state but it’s huge for me. In my crazy mama life, I can read all sorts of scriptures about the peace of God, but never truly believe that peace is for me because of the circumstances in front of me. However when I read scriptures about Gods peace, in context, such as 1 Peter 5:7 “Cast all your anxiety on Him because He cares for you”, do I truly believe He cares for me? And if I do, do I truly believe I can cast my anxiety and worry onto His shoulders and stand in the peace of His presence? Or is that just a lofty idea that’s theological but not real for this mama’s life, here and now? Definitely something to consider. We can read and study the Word until we are blue in the face, but if we don’t believe it’s really for us then it’s power is not present in our lives

4. Act on the Word

So now if we read the Word, in context, and believe it… the last thing I would suggest from my short experience on this earth… is to then act on what the Word says. We are saved by His grace, not by what we do …. “For by grace you have been saved through faith; and that not of yourselves, it is the gift of God; not as a result of works, so that no one may boast.” Eph 2:8–9 …. however we are to still act upon the Word God has given us with the hearts He is changing inside of us. He grows and develops us as we read, listen, and believe in Him to be able to walk in His ways and be more like Him every day. For that, I am thankful. I fail daily in trying to walk after Jesus but He continues to love me and show His glory through my failings and His successful works in me.

On that note, this mama's time is up before I return to babies, diapers, bottles, snuggles, siblings, bickering, hugs, and constant, constant movement for which I need His Word in action to find a way through and raise His children in this crazy world.

Until next time BTG,

The other half <3

