BTNG: What to Expect in 2018

Building Things for NG
4 min readJan 13, 2018

“And now let us welcome the new year, full of things that never were.” — Rainer Maria Rilke

Happy New Year to you and on behalf of the BTNG team, here is to a year filled with more prosperity, productivity and possibilities.

Before we begin on what 2018 has in store for us we would like to do a quick recap of our year in 2017.

In our second year of operation, we experienced tremendous growth in various areas including number of connected people, organisational structure, and community building.

Here are a few highlights of 2017:

An Online Community

Many of our initial members will know we “pivoted” from using Slack as an online community tool to Facebook groups, as we realised it is easier to build relationships, have more meaningful conversations and help our audience follow along in any conversation.
Our initial notion has always been to go to where your audience resides (which in retrospect is why we started with Slack but it was the wrong tool). A significant proportion of people in the UK are on Facebook and due to its widespread availability, we believed it felt more inclusive and engaging.
If you’re not part of the group yet, you can join the conversation here.

6 events

Even though the year 2017 started a bit late for us, we were able to pull off 3 flagship and 3 alternate events with a huge amount of success.
The testament to our success has always been the number of people coming back time and time again for our events.

If you missed out on any of our events last year, you can check out each recap here.

We are forever grateful to those who have supported us and we are always listening and keen on hearing how we can improve.

A Online Presence

Although this sounds trite in retrospect, it really helped us define who we are as an organisation and what we would like the world to see when they reach out to us through the various media available. We now have an organisation email(, website, Facebook group, Twitter profile and Periscope account.

Fully Committed Members

The events, the community, online presence, organisational structure and definition has really been down to the commitment, dedication and spirit of the organisational members of BTNG . As with any enthusiastic organisation, we had our fair share of ups and downs but it really was a demonstration to how well we are rooting for the success of BTNG and the level of optimism we bring to the table.

What To Expect In 2018

Leaping off the back of what seemed to be a great 2017, we are now extremely passionate and geared up to exponentially improve in all our areas and more for 2018.


Starting right off the back, we are putting out our calendar for the year so everyone in our community and beyond can easily prepare and see what we have in store for you.

We plan to have events in the following months:

  • February
  • April
  • June- Summer Party
  • August- Hackathon
  • October
  • December

Specific dates will be communicated via email.
Please sign up here to get updates.

Meaningful Connections

We aim not just to connect as many interested people as possible but to provide meaningful connections that can help their ventures/careers in tremendous ways. We aim to increase the value in our network by proactively pursuing these relationships and facilitating the leverage required where it did not exist previously.

Telling Our Story

Words are powerful, they are inspirational, they convey a message. In 2018, we want to be able to tell the world more about things happening in our community, the incredible products/services that are adding values to people’s lives and the startups influencing this new era.
We also want people to be able to tell their story through our platform, either through our events or online communities.

Building a Stronger Community

Continuing from our position in 2017, in 2018, we hope to grow stronger and invite more people to the network to improve the overall value. Building a strong community is often hard, but we shall stay committed to building the core which can enable quick scale and expansion.

That’s all for now.
Please look out for announcements for what’s coming up next with BTNG.

See you at our next event!

“If you want to go quickly, go alone. If you want to go far, go together” — African Proverb



Building Things for NG

My essays lie at the intersection of design and human behaviour. Previously Co-founder @eclecticsource