Hi, We are BTour Chain

Published in
3 min readNov 29, 2019

Project Background

“A Companion For Your New Youth”

Goethe once said while traveling in Italy that “I feel like returning to my early days”.

Things have sometimes get tangled and tough while traveling but experiences obtained from arduous travels give vigor to our everyday lives to renew.

Such unforgettable experiences motivate someone else to plan for travel even as we speak.

Imagine that you are that someone.

What normally you do is picking up your smartphone, browse through the Internet and feeling like actually traveling to many countries by simply watching postings on SNS. And you select destinations to visit and make reservation for airplane tickets and hotels for your future experiences with simple finger touch on your phone.

This travel could present new experiences as what your youth did in your early days. On the contrary to this, it could also make you feel frustrated because of local conditions different from the information on the Internet, unfamiliar way of payment, high commission and all that sort of things.

The number of cases, which make travelers, remember their trip negatively is quite many.

Such negative experiences of travelers are mainly caused by fast changing trend of tourism industry and the limitation of technology.

With the social movement of emphasizing on individuality, new trend of tourism, small scale customized tourism, has emerged in the tourism industry where the needs of tourists are reflected on tourism products to enable them create their own special experiences. This trend has grown as a major market in the tourism industry and opened a new way for numerous accommodation review platforms, social dining broking platforms and others to flourish in order to meet the needs of tourists. However another problems have arisen as tourists demand increases regarding languages, remittance, reliability and so on. Small tourist sites and service providers are encountered with those challenges, at the same time they should handle their own tasks of attracting tourists through passive promotion marketing.

BTour Chain project contains the meaning of Blockchain, Bigdata, Beautiful, Bliss, Bon voyage, Benefaction and Business. This project is to solve problems and overcome limitations arose from tourism industry during transition period and, by extension, to help all tourists have positive travel experiences with various services offered by their new youth companion, BTour Chain project.

On our next posting, we are going to explore what BTour Chain project is as a companion in detail. If you cannot wait for the next posting, please visit our website to www.btour.io !

BTour Chain SNS




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