Blockchain Technology Partners discusses the challenges of implementing enterprise blockchain networks in production at debut Hyperledger Global Forum

BTP-led sessions cover how operational best practices coupled with its Sextant blockchain management platform will radically simply enterprise adoption of Hyperledger Sawtooth

Duncan Johnston-Watt
BTP Works
3 min readDec 12, 2018


BASEL, SWITZERLAND — December 12, 2018 — Hyperledger Global Forum — Blockchain Technology Partners, the enterprise blockchain company, is sponsoring the debut Hyperledger Global Forum that commences today, and its leadership will be available throughout the event to discuss how its recently-launched Sextant blockchain management platform addresses commonly-cited blockchain implementation issues.

BTP co-founders Duncan Johnston-Watt (CEO) and Kevin O’Donnell (Chief Strategy Officer) will be leading two sessions:

Running Hyperledger Sawtooth in Production
Thursday, December 13, 10:55–11:35, Sydney Room

This session will provide a brief overview of Hyperledger Sawtooth and BTP’s rationale for focusing on this framework. It will discuss the challenges of running Sawtooth in production and the benefits of standardizing on Kubernetes as the underlying container orchestration platform. BTP’s blockchain management platform Sextant, which delivers one-click deployment of enterprise-grade Hyperledger Sawtooth networks running on Kubernetes in the cloud, will then be covered.

Can you Beat the System?
Thursday, December 13, 15:20–15:30, Rio Room

This session will demonstrate how you can deploy Hyperledger Sawtooth and become productive in a matter of minutes, by leveraging a Kubernetes cluster in the cloud and Sextant. We then invite you to play a tic-tac-toe Sawtooth application to see if you can beat the system by bending the rules to suit yourself!

“Our mission is to bring the benefits of blockchain to business by providing Sextant — a blockchain management platform which leverages both Hyperledger Sawtooth and Kubernetes,” said Duncan Johnston-Watt, CEO of Blockchain Technology Partners. “Sextant radically simplifies blockchain adoption because enterprises can focus on application development with training, consulting and support provided by us. We are passionate about open source and we are active members of both the Hyperledger and CNCF communities. Participating in both makes perfect sense given we are standardizing on Kubernetes as our runtime platform and we look forward to promoting the synergies between the two initiatives.”

Sextant unlocks the value of blockchain for business. It accelerates innovation by providing enterprises with a platform that they can build upon; ensuring that they focus on business application development, not blockchain infrastructure.

BTP has identified Hyperledger Sawtooth as the best emerging open source blockchain technology for the enterprise on the basis of its support for Ethereum smart contracts, its pluggable consensus mechanism and its scalable, highly modular architecture. In addition, the clear separation between Sawtooth’s network and application tiers makes it exceptionally easy for developers to create new blockchain applications leveraging existing code and applying existing programming best practices.

Sextant was launched last month at the Amazon Web Services (AWS) re:Invent conference in Las Vegas and is available today via the AWS Marketplace for Containers. It is a comprehensive blockchain management platform that leverages a curated distribution to deliver one click deployment of enterprise-grade Sawtooth networks.

Sextant is cloud first and so Kubernetes is the logical choice for production-grade orchestration. Under the covers, Sextant automatically generates Kubernetes manifests so that Sawtooth can either be deployed on existing Kubernetes clusters or on brand new ones spun up by Sextant on AWS using Kubernetes Operations.

To try out Sextant please visit our entry on AWS Marketplace for Containers.

About Blockchain Technology Partners

Blockchain Technology Partners (BTP) is a leading enterprise blockchain company whose mission is to radically simplify adoption of blockchain technologies. BTP brings the benefits of blockchain to business by providing Sextant™ — a blockchain management platform that delivers one click deployment of scalable Hyperledger Sawtooth networks running on Kubernetes in the cloud. Sextant frees up enterprises to focus on application development, not infrastructure, with training, consulting and support provided by BTP.

BTP is a member of the Linux Foundation and an active participant in both the Hyperledger and CNCF communities. Its founding team have an exceptional track record in open source, operations and cloud. BTP has offices in Edinburgh, Singapore and New York. To learn more visit

