BTP delivers Paralos—the first long term support (LTS) release of its Hyperledger Sawtooth distribution

BTP Paralos is a freely available Sawtooth distribution enterprises can depend on for their mission critical production deployments

Oliver Johnston-Watt
BTP Works
3 min readApr 29, 2020


Centre Pompidou • Projects • Rogers Stirk Harbour + Partners

NEW YORK — April 29, 2020Blockchain Technology Partners (BTP) today announced the general availability of BTP Paralos — the first long term support (LTS) release of its freely available, enterprise-grade distribution of Hyperledger Sawtooth. By guaranteeing support for this release for at least the next two years, BTP is delivering a Sawtooth distribution that enterprises can depend on in production and mission critical scenarios.

Originally contributed to the Hyperledger consortium by Intel in 2016, Hyperledger Sawtooth is a highly modular open source blockchain framework with a clear separation at the network and application layers in addition to a pluggable consensus mechanism. Hyperledger Sawtooth is deployed by a variety of enterprises including Salesforce, Target and Unilever and is now one of the leading open source blockchain frameworks.

“BTP Paralos is a distribution of Hyperledger Sawtooth targeted at enterprise environments which is built, tested and maintained by us,” explained Duncan Johnston-Watt, CEO and Co-founder of BTP. “With our first long term support release we are doubling down on our commitment to Sawtooth, having significantly improved its performance and reliability thanks to our work with the Tel Aviv Stock Exchange.”

BTP is a long standing supporter of Hyperledger Sawtooth. In November 2018, BTP released Sextant for Sawtooth, a management platform that abstracts away the complexity of deploying Hyperledger Sawtooth networks in production. In April 2019, BTP and Digital Asset announced their partnership to add support for DAML, the open source smart contract language from Digital Asset, on Hyperledger Sawtooth which is now commercially supported by Sextant for DAML.

Since then, BTP has been involved with some high profile Hyperledger Sawtooth implementations, notably, the Tel Aviv Stock Exchange (TASE) Blockchain Securities Lending platform.

“During our engagement with TASE which is, of course, a regulated financial institution and a strategic national asset, our Sawtooth distribution was subjected to relentless stress testing. As a result, BTP Paralos is ready to be deployed in a demanding production environment,” says Kevin O’Donnell, CTO and Co-founder of BTP. “It is important to encapsulate this value in our own distribution to accelerate enterprise adoption of Sawtooth while remaining committed to contributing our enhancements to the relevant upstream Sawtooth projects.”

BTP Paralos is 100% open source and is based on Hyperledger Sawtooth 1.1.5 and Sawtooth PBFT 1.0.1. BTP is committed to contributing any BTP Paralos enhancements or refinements to these upstream projects.

The code is hosted on Github and freely available, prebuilt Docker images are published periodically on Docker Hub.

CTA #1 — If you are working with Hyperledger Sawtooth already then please give our images a try — use tag BTP2.0 to pull the latest stable version of BTP Paralos — and don’t hesitate to drop us a line if you would like help with this.

BTP Paralos is commercially supported 24x7 as part of a BTP Sextant subscription. BTP Sextant is a software product that simplifies the deployment and ongoing management of smart contract and distributed ledger infrastructure on Kubernetes.

CTA #2 — Click here to request an evaluation of BTP Sextant — all we require is a mutual NDA. Once this is signed — on your paper or ours — we can help get you set up with BTP Sextant either on-prem or running on your preferred cloud.

