BTP Makes Provenance Product Chronicle Generally Available and Turbocharges its Sextant Blockchain Platform

BTP’s blockchain-backed provenance solution Chronicle now deployed and managed by latest version of its Sextant platform

Csilla Zsigri
BTP Works
2 min readSep 12, 2022


The Convention Centre Dublin

Hyperledger Global Forum, Dublin, Ireland — 12 Sep 2022 — We at BTP are thrilled to announce the general availability of our blockchain-backed, domain-agnostic provenance solution Chronicle, as well as an upgraded version of our blockchain management platform Sextant.

Organizations across industries can now take advantage of Chronicle’s capabilities, and keep immutable provenance records that capture the origin and life journey of their physical and digital assets, including ownership history. By recording it on a distributed ledger, provenance information becomes more trustworthy, and its management is more efficient.

We have invested in Chronicle because we are convinced that having the ability to verify the origin and track the journey of an asset in a trusted and efficient manner, can translate into immense value in a wide range of industries,” said Duncan Johnston-Watt, Co-founder & CEO at BTP. “Our investment has already started to pay off, as Chronicle is an integral part of three customer engagements in three quite different use cases.”

Built on the WSC PROV Ontology specification and data query language GraphQL, Chronicle is available with Hyperledger Sawtooth as its default backing ledger, with support for other industry-leading distributed ledgers in the pipeline.

Chronicle is a domain-agnostic offering, however, it is easily configurable to enable users to capture provenance information for a wide range of applications.

By leveraging GraphQL, Chronicle provides a comprehensive description of and easy access to all provenance data from a single endpoint. Alternatively, there is a command-line interface (CLI) for integration with enterprise legacy systems.

Chronicle is powered by our Sextant platform, to facilitate its deployment and ongoing management, as well as its integration with enterprise systems. Flexible deployment options include multi-cloud, on-premise, and hybrid environments, leveraging the industry-leading container orchestration tool Kubernetes. You can request a Chronicle demo here.

We have also upgraded our blockchain platform Sextant, by adding support for the distributed ledger software Hyperledger Fabric 2.0. Fabric is now joining Hyperledger Besu and Hyperledger Sawtooth, which our clients have already been using in production.

Sextant’s makeover also includes a marketplace for deployments that will improve customer experience by allowing users to easily select the option that best suits their needs and use case requirements. Chronicle on Sawtooth will now appear as a new deployment option — in this marketplace — that clients can choose. You can request a Sextant demo here.



Csilla Zsigri
BTP Works

Chief Strategy Officer & Co-Founder at Paravela (and former technology industry analyst)