When Hyperledger Sawtooth Met Kubernetes

Simplifying Enterprise Blockchain Adoption

Duncan Johnston-Watt
BTP Works
2 min readMay 21, 2019


A version of this blog post was originally published on Hyperledger.

When Hyperledger Sawtooth Met Kubernetes

TL;DR Blockchain Technology Partners has teamed up with Digital Asset to deliver DAML Smart Contracts for Hyperledger Sawtooth deployed and managed on Kubernetes using our blockchain management platform Sextant

One of the great things about being a member of the Linux Foundation is that you are part of a vibrant global community that is home not just for individual open source projects but for a wide range of open source ecosystems as well as host to an impressive array of events worldwide.

  • A global community where you are actively encouraged to participate in meetups and events specific to your ecosystem as well as contribute to broader open source summits
  • A global community where there is the opportunity to collaborate not just within your own ecosystem but with ecosystems that complement yours — this is at the heart of the open source ethos

A case in point is our company Blockchain Technology Partners. We are a member of both the CNCF and Hyperledger ecosystems which is why we are sponsoring KubeCon Europe this week having previously sponsored the Hyperledger Global Forum. A pattern that is set to continue as we are already committed to sponsoring KubeCon North America later this year.

The back story to all this is that we recognized early on that the only way to make blockchain technology more accessible and easier to adopt was to address the operational challenges that we could see lying in wait for enterprises. Given our background in open source, operations and cloud, we quickly realised that CNCF’s Kubernetes was the perfect match for Hyperledger Sawtooth. This led to the creation of Sextant, our blockchain management platform that radically simplifies the development, deployment and ongoing management of blockchain-based enterprise applications.

However, the power of open source collaboration doesn’t end here as we have now teamed up with Digital Asset to bring DAML Smart Contracts to Hyperledger Sawtooth — integrating their open source DAML runtime with Sawtooth, similar to the way the Sawtooth Ethereum (SETH) project integrates the Burrow EVM with Sawtooth, and handling its deployment and management with Sextant.

For the full story behind the creation of Sextant to deploy and manage Hyperledger Sawtooth on Kubernetes and our collaboration with Digital Asset to bring DAML to Sawtooth, read the Hyperledger case study.

