Is Everyone Really An AI Expert?

Josh A Finley
RedX Magazine One
Published in
6 min readSep 13, 2023
Mahmoud Saboungi speaks about BlackHedge with potential users

AI. AI. AI… It seems that overnight, everyone became and AI expert. Well, I’m no skeptic, but I highly doubt that everyone is actually an expert. So when I have a chance to interview people that are actually using AI in real life applications — my interest is piqued. From democratize investing, to life coaching, and the behind the scenes of AI security — here are three individuals that may actually (in their own rights) be AI experts.

Mahmood Saboungi: Democratizing Investing Through AI

Investing has long been a space dominated by financial moguls and hedge funds, often leaving individual retail investors at a disadvantage. This was, until the emergence of companies like Blackhedge, aiming to democratize the landscape with AI-backed tools. We caught up with its Co-founder and CEO to discuss his journey and the evolving role of AI in the industry.

Bridging the Gap in Investing

“Blackhedge is all about empowering retail investors,” says the CEO. “The goal is to give them the same AI and algorithmic technology that’s been reserved for Wall Street.”

This drive came from personal experience. The CEO himself was a retail investor and understood the hurdles one faces when trying to navigate the stock and crypto markets. “90% of retail investors lose money in their first year. There’s a significant imbalance between what’s available to the average individual and to the big players. We wanted to change that.”

With a data scientist co-founder, the pair decided to tackle this imbalance head-on. By combining their individual expertise in investing and data science, Blackhedge was born.

AI: The Powerhouse behind Blackhedge

At the heart of Blackhedge’s offering is its AI technology, which utilizes machine learning and time series analysis. “This isn’t just about handing tools to investors,” he explains, “it’s about providing insights. Our AI identifies price trends, enabling users to make data-driven decisions.”

Beyond just Blackhedge, the role of AI in investing is monumental. From analyzing corporate financials via natural language processing to utilizing deep neural networks for understanding short-term price patterns, AI is pivotal in both fundamental and technical analysis.

The Future With AI

While AI has recently gained immense popularity, its roots date back decades. “From predictive text on iMessage to targeted ad recommendations, AI’s early integration has been subtle yet profound,” the CEO points out. However, with the surge in AI-driven tools, there’s a potential for job displacement. “Yes, AI might replace some jobs,” he admits, “but it will also lead to the creation of a new class of jobs that cater to this increased productivity.”

When asked about his vision for AI’s future, he emphasizes humanitarian applications and the digitization of traditionally slower industries. “From mitigating natural disasters to transforming the construction industry, the potential is vast.” However, he also stresses the importance of maintaining our human essence. “AI is a tool, not a lifestyle. We shouldn’t let it curb our creativity or undermine genuine learning.”

For those looking to know more about Blackhedge and its offerings, they can be found on Instagram, the website, and LinkedIn.

Mark Fournier: Emmy Award Winning Filmmaker, Turned Peak Performance Coach fOrViews AI As A Cure For THe World’s Problems.

“Most of my clients approach me with issues that might seem enviable to the average person,” Mark says. “Having too much money and not knowing what to do with it is more common than you’d think. But at the heart of it, they’re seeking happiness, a greater purpose, and balance.”

With over 45 years in the coaching industry, Fournier’s commitment to his craft is evident. Only taking on 10 clients a year, Mark’s dedicated approach ensures that each client receives the individualized attention they deserve.

The Moment That Changed Everything

But before entering the life coaching realm, Fournier wore a very different hat. An Emmy award-winning film director, he once masterminded advertising campaigns that not only promoted products but changed lives. Recalling a poignant moment from his filmmaking days, Mark shares, “A woman once walked into my office and leaned over, thanking me. She said, ‘the support and money we raised through that ad, built enough beds that without you, all of the kids in this building would be without a bed.’” Following that moment, he realized that he had the power to make the world a better place. A thought that would propel him to great heights as a life-transforming coach with one simple mission — helping bring others to a higher consciousness in life.

Expanding His Reach Through AI

Today, aside from his one-on-one coaching, Mark is harnessing the power of technology to democratize access to high-quality life and business coaching. His AI-driven app, ‘Omni Coach’, aims to provide affordable coaching solutions. “If you can’t afford a coaching or mentor, you can use this app. It’s not your generic chatbot; it’s crafted specifically for life and business coaching,” he emphasizes.

His Crazy Goal Of Bringing World Peace

He believes that peace and contentment can be achieved when one finds equilibrium among these facets. Offering advice, Mark reflects, “If there is balance in your life and you’re constantly checking in and aware of these ten areas, you can achieve peace.”

With his vast experience, innovative tools, and deeply rooted philosophy, Mark Fournier continues his mission to elevate human consciousness and contribute to global peace. As to what’s next for him? “More of what I’m doing,” he smiles.

Connect with Mark Fournier on LinkedIn, TikTok, or his website.

AI Is Unproven and Unpredictable: Expert Vemir Ambartsoumean’s Thoughts on The Future of AI

Vemir Ambartsoumean has a unique role in the growth of AI. With extensive experience and education in philosophy, psychology as well as sales and programming experience, he approaches the subject of AI with a very analytical mind. Frequently a speaker on AI safety and its future development, he has become recognized as an expert in the space. Here are his thoughts on AI and the future of mankind.

Although he has a broad base, the last few years Vemir has been engrossed in AI. As a consultant for various companies, a regular speaker on the topic, and spending time researching the effects of AI on various sectors of society, Vemir has a front-row seat to what is developing. “I’ve been segmenting my time between AI startup business development, fundraising, sales, and more.” Despite his various roles, his primary commitment is to the development of AI safety.

Two Sides of the Coin

With innovations flooding in, AI’s capabilities can’t be denied. “There’s been a lot of hype around AI recently,” Vemir remarked, “but now, with breakthroughs in machine learning and vision, AI’s potential is finally coming to fruition.” That fruition, however, is not easily determined. Vemir believes that a lot of AI’s power and capability is still to be discovered. “Once an engineering domain, AI is now a science. It’s a realm of hypothesis and experimentation, where results aren’t always predictable.”

The Real-World Impacts of AI

Organizations are undoubtedly drawn to the allure of AI’s efficiency. But our expert emphasizes the need for caution, noting, “While AI can make things cheaper, it’s not necessarily safe. Cutting corners can have short-term gains, but potential long-term disasters.” Citing real-world concerns from algorithmic biases to serious consequences of AI misguidance, they underlined, “Intelligence without wisdom can be a dangerous path.”

The Need for Global Cooperation

Looking to the future and offering advice to decision-makers, they urged, “For CEOs still hesitant about AI, it’s time to dive in, but always with a cautious mindset.” Highlighting the importance of international collaboration, they remarked, “I truly believe the future requires an unprecedented collaboration, not just between tech startups but among nations in the continued use and development of artificial intelligence and machine learning.”

Looking Forward

With aspirations to serve directly in leading organizations such as OpenAI or DeepMind, Vemir envisions a pivotal role in the future. “I hope to learn as much as humanly possible, advocate publicly, and maybe even venture into the political sphere as I continue to voice my thoughts on AI and other world issues that it will directly affect.”

For deeper insights and or to have Vemir Ambartsoumean speak at your organization, you can contact him on LinkedIn.



Josh A Finley
RedX Magazine One

I write books and articles for entrepeneurs and public figures. Medium is just for fun and to share some highlights of the awesome people I work with. DM me!