Life Can Be Hard, These Coaches Make It Better

Josh A Finley
RedX Magazine One
Published in
9 min readSep 12, 2023
Ricky Powell, Speaks on Stage

Brad Dalton: Empowering Transformation Through Personal Growth and Authentic Leadership

“Your Bottom Line is Not Your Finish Line”

As a mentor, coach, and beacon of empowerment, Brad is committed to guiding leaders, consultants, and coaches on a journey of self-discovery and growth, ultimately leading them to impact, influence, and increased income.

Brad’s approach is rooted in his passion for helping individuals overcome challenges and thrive. He recognizes that the path to success is not a linear one; it’s a journey of becoming that takes place over various chapters of our lives. Brad believes that who we are today is not a fixed identity but an evolving masterpiece. He draws inspiration from his own life, a journey that saw him transition from a kind-hearted and eager-to-please individual to a strong, authentic leader.

His transformation journey was punctuated by pivotal moments, one of which was the diagnosis of his youngest son with autism. This revelation shook Brad’s world and taught him the importance of flexibility, agility, and patience in navigating life’s hurdles. Brad’s ability to adapt and his commitment to embracing change is emblematic of his philosophy: success isn’t a destination but a continuous journey.

The Power of “Who” Over “What”

Brad’s coaching philosophy challenges conventional wisdom. Instead of chasing after the latest systems, tactics, or strategies, he emphasizes the importance of focusing on the “who.” For Brad, the key to personal and professional growth lies in understanding who you wish to become. He asserts that the journey towards success is intrinsically tied to becoming your best self each day. This shift in perspective from “what” to “who” offers a profound realization: your identity is the foundation upon which all achievements are built.

Brad’s message is a refreshing reminder that life is not defined by external markers of success but by the inner transformation that propels us forward. He encourages people to embark on an audit of their habits, behaviors, emotions, and actions, thereby fostering awareness that leads to clarity and progress.

A Vision of Success and Impact

For Brad, success isn’t merely a financial gain; it’s about lasting fulfillment, happiness, and abundant living. His coaching relationships are more than business transactions; they’re lifelong investments built on trust and authenticity. He measures success by the positive shifts he witnesses in his clients: increased income, doubled abundance, heightened fulfillment, and an overall sense of strength.

As Brad looks towards the future, he envisions a life marked by freedom and connection. He aspires to spend quality time with loved ones and allow others to experience the same freedom. He is keenly aware of the “hurry sickness” that often plagues individuals, and his desire is to inspire a shift towards a more deliberate and meaningful existence.

To those looking to make a positive impact on the world, his message is clear and resonant: “You are enough, and your superpower lies within you.”

To learn more about working with Brad and increasing both your influence and income — visit him at his website or contact him on LinkedIn.

Donnie Lewis: Transforming Lives By Sharing His Own Shortcomings

“If I can make a change in others, you can too.”

Donnie’s story is one of resilience, stemming from a profound loss at a young age. Having lost his father when he was only 4 ½ years old, he found himself navigating life without the steady guidance of a male figure. This absence led to a deep-seated belief that his voice was insignificant, leading him to withdraw and become quiet. Despite the presence of father figures in his life, Donnie felt a void that couldn’t be filled.

Through the years, Donnie encountered numerous challenges that tested his resolve. Donnie’s personal struggles, including multiple marriages, loss of family, and other hardships, have been his teachers. These lessons have equipped him to inspire others to break free from the “okay doke,” to challenge mediocrity, and embrace their own journeys.

The Three Steps to Transformation

Recognize the Need for Change: Donnie emphasizes the significance of understanding that change is required not only on the surface but also within ourselves. By identifying the internal factors that keep us stuck, we open the door to meaningful transformation.

Revisiting the Past: Donnie believes that true healing starts with confronting past traumas and unresolved pain. He likens this process to setting a broken bone, acknowledging that the pain of revisiting is essential for lasting growth. He encourages breaking free from the chains of generational curses and hidden brokenness.

Embrace Growth: Growth is a process that often requires leaving behind old habits, relationships, and mindsets. Donnie aptly compares this to wearing a pair of shoes that hurt — despite the pain, we resist letting go. Embracing growth means shedding the old and embracing the new, even if it means moving away from what’s comfortable.

Inspiring Success and Overcoming Obstacles

Donnie’s coaching philosophy is deeply rooted in helping clients define their “why.” He believes that understanding one’s purpose is pivotal for success. He encourages pushing through obstacles and challenges, reminding us that our why is stronger than any hurdle. Just as a child trusts their mother’s guidance, we must trust in our inner wisdom and direction.

For Donnie, success is not just personal; it’s about making a positive impact on the world. He envisions changing lives one smile at a time, leaving behind a legacy of positivity and empowerment.

Learn more about Donnie and his upcoming courses and speeches here or contact him on LinkedIn.

Ricky Powell: Guiding Transformation Through Servant Leadership

In a world where success often seems synonymous with personal gain, Ricky Powell stands out as an example of true of servant leadership and transformation. As a seasoned coach and integral member of Southwestern Consulting, based in Nashville, Ricky’s impact reaches across 18 countries, touching the lives of sales leaders, entrepreneurs, and visionaries.

From the Screen to Coaching: A Journey of Evolution

Ricky’s journey began with a childhood dream to step into the limelight. His aspirations of becoming an actor led him to the world of entertainment, where he worked both in front of and behind the camera. Yet, his path took an unexpected turn, leading him toward personal development, coaching, and the art of transformational leadership.

After spending years as a child actor and later working behind the scenes at NBC, Ricky delved into personal development and coaching. His journey of self-discovery and growth ultimately led him to the realm of holistic wellness and business coaching. With a deep understanding of the power of abundance and an unyielding belief in the principle of service, Ricky ventured into coaching with the desire to impact lives on a profound level.

Overcoming Challenges and Embracing Abundance

The journey towards coaching was not without its challenges. Ricky faced personal losses that reminded him of the fleeting nature of life, reinforcing his gratitude for each breath and each moment. He experienced health struggles that further ignited his passion for holistic well-being and inspired him to share the abundance mindset with others.

Ricky’s coaching philosophy is rooted in the idea that abundance is available to all. His unique approach draws inspiration from mentors like Jim Rohn, and Earl Nightingale, focusing on the principles of personal development and success rather than personalities. This foundation shapes his coaching methodology, which he employs to help individuals, sales teams, and entrepreneurs realize their potential and achieve their goals.

A Three-Pillared Approach to Success

Ricky defines success for his clients through three essential pillars: happiness, gratitude, and service. His coaching philosophy emphasizes that true success is not dependent on external achievements but is a product of inner fulfillment. He encourages clients to cultivate gratitude for both big and small blessings, practice forgiveness as a means of self-healing, and engage in acts of service that contribute to the betterment of others.

Ricky’s coaching isn’t just about inspiration — it’s about tangible results. Through Southwestern Consulting, he helps sales leaders and entrepreneurs define their goals, reverse-engineer strategies, and monitor their progress. By focusing on income-producing activities and tracking key performance indicators, Ricky empowers his clients to achieve both professional and personal success.

The Path Forward: Serving and Inspiring

As Ricky focuses on the future, his commitment to servant leadership remains unwavering. He aims to continue working with Southwestern Consulting, matching the right clients with the right coaches to facilitate meaningful growth. Alongside this journey, he envisions a blend of speaking engagements and personal branding, where he can continue to inspire and guide others towards lifelong happiness.

Life Advice from Ricky Powell

Picture Ricky Powell stepping off the stage after delivering an impactful TEDx talk to a captivated audience. If someone approached him backstage seeking life advice, he would emphasize the importance of self-compassion and continuous growth. He would encourage them to invest in themselves, to envision their future, and to embrace a mindset of abundance. With his signature blend of empathy and wisdom, Ricky would remind them that becoming what we think about most of the time is the key to unlocking their true potential.

To learn more about Ricky Powell, you can follow him on his LinkedIn.

Buddy Thornton: Guiding Transformation Through Conflict Management and Empowerment

“Life may be messy, but there’s always a way to fix it.”

Buddy’s journey is characterized by diverse experiences and an unwavering commitment to helping others. Beginning with his background in applied sciences and a successful career in the Professional Bowlers Association (PBA) tour, Buddy’s trajectory took a significant shift when he turned his attention to business and, ultimately, to the field of mediation.

Since establishing his mediation company in 2012, Buddy has been dedicated to making a difference in people’s lives. He recognized a prevalent gap in the mediation landscape, where divorce mediation dominated the field. Determined to create positive social change, he rebranded himself as a pro-social change agent, focusing on conflict prevention and communication enhancement. This unique approach reflects his belief in the power of communication to heal, transform, and strengthen relationships.

Unlocking the Power of Choice and Communication

Buddy’s journey is also marked by his literary contributions. His series of twelve books on human behavior exemplifies his passion for understanding and improving interpersonal dynamics. These books explore an array of topics, from behavioral direction and challenging conversations to choice dynamics and moral compasses.

Central to Buddy’s approach is the idea that effective communication is the foundation for resolving conflicts and achieving personal growth. He provides individuals with tools to make proper choices, navigate challenging conversations, and cultivate deeper connections. His four-pillar framework — life, voice, passion, and choice — provides a structured pathway for individuals to assess their actions and intentions, leading to more fulfilling lives.

A Message of Empowerment and Unity

Buddy’s impact extends beyond his professional pursuits. He has been a strong advocate for mental wellness and suicide awareness, a cause he passionately champions through speaking engagements across the country. Recognizing the need for solid support systems, he endeavors to foster environments where individuals feel valued, understood, and empowered.

As Buddy looks ahead, he envisions expanding his reach and influence. With a multitude of grandchildren and great-grandchildren, he is motivated to create a positive legacy that transcends generations. Through educational leadership initiatives and live events focusing on suicide prevention, he aims to make a significant impact on the lives of many.

Buddy’s belief in the interconnectedness of humanity and his drive to empower others create a ripple effect of positive change. His legacy, marked by a series of books and a life dedicated to transformation, echoes the sentiment that “life may be messy, but there’s always a way to fix it.”

Learn more about Buddy Thornton and his work here or contact him on LinkedIn.



Josh A Finley
RedX Magazine One

I write books and articles for entrepeneurs and public figures. Medium is just for fun and to share some highlights of the awesome people I work with. DM me!