Looking To Scale A Business? Sales, Storytelling, and Employee Benefits Are A Must

Josh A Finley
RedX Magazine One
Published in
7 min readOct 12, 2023
Photo Credit, Google Images

Scaling a business or a brand is not just about increasing numbers; it’s about optimizing operations, understanding diverse markets, and making connections that matter. Each entrepreneur has a unique journey, marked by challenges, innovations, and the relentless pursuit of their passion. This article unfolds the remarkable stories of three such game-changing entrepreneurs — Anthony Solimini, whose expertise lies in training businesses to scale up with a global perspective; Butch Zemar, who champions the cause of ensuring employees receive the benefits they deserve, and Holly Hudson, whose storytelling skills light up both the written page and the stage.

Dive in to explore their paths, discover their insights, and find out why they are the critical contacts you might just need if you’re planning to take your business to the next level.

Anthony Solimini: Crafting Sales Teams with the Power of Experience and Stories

Anthony Solimini, Sales Expert and Entrepreneur

With a wealth of 30 years of experience abroad, primarily in Asia, Anthony Solimini is a seasoned professional who has dedicated his career to financial services while nurturing a fervent passion for sales and marketing. At 61, his vibrant career journey paints a picture of continual learning, adaptability, and a deep understanding of the sales domain, making him a go-to figure for companies seeking to fortify their sales teams.

An Undeniable Urge To Travel

Born in Boston, Massachusetts, Solimini’s early inclination towards sales and living overseas set the trajectory for his unique career path. Armed with a degree in math and science from Creighton University in Omaha, Nebraska, he initiated his journey in the financial sector, later making a pivotal move to London in 1989. London was just the beginning; his career led him to various Asian cities including Singapore, Hong Kong, and Thailand.

Throughout his career, Solimini developed a distinctive approach to sales, integrating his love for stage and theatre. After purchasing a franchise of Sandler Training, his training career soared, with clientele including major names like Goldman Sachs and IBM. The stint involved him in the hiring and onboarding process of a thousand private bankers, crafting a training and coaching routine that reflected his understanding and experience.

The challenges were plentiful, but Solimini’s passion for storytelling and communication stood as his guiding light. He developed a “triangle of communications” model, emphasizing trust, comfort, and confidence as its corners. His approach to sales mirrors a careful diagnosis process, much like a doctor understanding a patient’s symptoms before prescribing medication.

A Diverse Background In Global Business

Solimini’s unique strength lies in his exposure to diverse cultures and his ability to swiftly connect with individuals from various backgrounds. From working on oil rigs in Nigeria to corporate settings in Japan, his diverse experience equipped him with skills in DISC profiling and Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP). His ability to instantly build bonds with people in a room not only facilitates effective training but ensures that participants find value and enjoyment in the learning process.

Guaranteed Returns From An International Sales Expert

Success for Solimini’s clients is quantifiable, with a guaranteed 3x return. For Solimini himself, success is an ongoing process of building and enhancing, reflecting his commitment to personal and professional development.

As he looks ahead, Anthony Solimini continues to share his vast knowledge and experience, helping companies small and large to build robust and efficient sales teams ready to face the challenges of the modern market. For those seeking to invigorate their sales process with tried and tested expertise, Solimini’s approach — deeply rooted in experience, understanding, and the potent power of stories — offers invaluable insights and guidance.

You can follow Anthony on LinkedIn for more information.

“Holly Hudson: Illuminating Stories through Levity and Expert Ghostwriting”

Holly Hudson, Comedian and Elite Ghostwrite

Holly Hudson is quietly crafting a niche in the world of ghostwriting. Combining her skills as a comedian and ghostwriter, she currently helps business owners around the world to tell stories that reel their readers in and connect them with potential partners and clients for their business.

A Life-Long Passion

Hudson has always had a passion for words and has always found a way to make a living while capturing both serious and humorous topics through her writing. From writing for non-profits to acting in New York City and performing standup comedy in London, she has quite a rich background in communicating on various stages. However, by 2019, she found all of her experience converging to one specific niche — creating “sticky” prescriptive non-fiction writing.

With an innate talent for prescriptive non-fiction writing, she found a unique selling proposition (USP) in her ability to infuse texts with levity and humor. This distinctive approach not only makes her work enjoyable to read but also allows the stories she crafts to leave a lasting impression, making the messages “stickier” and more impactful.

Bringing Levity to A Starchy World

In a world saturated with dry, technical business writing, Hudson’s fresh, engaging style is a breath of fresh air. She works closely with clients, coaching them through the process of identifying the scale and impact of the stories they wish to share, helping them navigate through various publishing options, and ultimately, writing a book that reads well and captivates its audience.. For those unsure if a book is the right medium for their message, Hudson provides expert advice and direction, ensuring that the final decision aligns with their objectives and readiness.

Success, as defined by Hudson, comes in various forms. It might be helping a client who has been contemplating writing a book to finally bring their vision to life. It could be guiding someone through the strategic planning and outlining of a book, assisting them in understanding the intricacies of marketing, book positioning, and publishing alternatives. Success is also reflected in her continual learning and becoming a “mini-expert” in various fields due to her extensive writing projects.

For anyone on the fence about writing a book or making that next big move in business, Holly has a simple message: “It’s never too late.” Take action and keep following the dreams you have inside of you.

With a commitment to bringing humor into writing and a dedication to helping others share their stories, Holly Hudson has established herself as a prominent leader in guiding founders and entrepreneurs to write a story that sells as a writer, coach, and consultant. For those ready to tell their story and build their brand, Holly Hudson is undoubtedly the guide you’d want to have on this exciting journey.

You can follow her for more information on LinkedIn.

Butch Zemar: Providing A Cheaper Solution For Insurance Benefits

Butch Zemar, CEO and Founder of Elite Benefits of America

Insurance has evolved, especially with changes brought on by the Affordable Care Act (ACA), affecting how insurance providers are compensated for their work. Despite these changes, ever-rising prices, and a seemingly more complicated set of regulations every year — Butch Zemar is committed to finding innovative ways to help business owners provide quality care at a lower cost to both them and their employees.

Higher Costs Rarely Mean Better Service

“There are programs that can literally get you into the best healthcare centers for a fraction of the cost to go to other centers with lower care scores.”

Zemar’s approach to insurance is unique, focusing not just on the funding side but also keenly on the expense side, which is often overlooked by many in the industry. In a sector where costs uncontrollably spiral, having control over expenses is vital. He has observed that while, in most industries, higher costs generally guarantee better outcomes, the healthcare sector doesn’t adhere to this rule. By finding programs that incentivize employees to consider cost-effective options, Butch offers solutions that not only save money but also enhance the quality of healthcare services accessed.

Teaching Others The Truth About Rising Healthcare Costs

“Lowering healthcare costs is something both the employer and the employee can do together.”

Yes, Butch does sell insurance — but he is more focused on educating his clients than selling the highest plan possible. For him, his job i about equipping them with tools and insights they’ve never had access to before. We provide employers with regular reports on cost, we help them combat the high cost of medications, we point them to generic drugs that are a fraction of the cost with the same active ingredients.” While many clients stick to the names they know and others aren’t interested to save 10–15% on their annual premium, Butch sees this as a great opportunity. “If you are a company that can save 250k every year, in four years that’s a million on that table to put back to your employees or to your bottom line.”

A Man on A Mission:

Butch Zemar is on a mission: to help businesses save money, reverse detrimental financial trends, and realize higher profits. His elite benefits playbook outlines the strategies he walks his clients through to achieve these goals, providing high-level solutions designed for today’s complex insurance landscape.

For more advice about insurance options for your company, you can connect with him on LinkedIn.



Josh A Finley
RedX Magazine One

I write books and articles for entrepeneurs and public figures. Medium is just for fun and to share some highlights of the awesome people I work with. DM me!