Not All Heroes’ Wear Capes: Three Women Who Are Standing In The Gap For Those That Need It

Josh A Finley
RedX Magazine One
Published in
6 min readOct 4, 2023

Tami Stackelhouse: Empowering Lives through Fibromyalgia Coaching

Tami’s journey began when she was diagnosed with fibromyalgia in 2007. This life-altering diagnosis prompted her to explore every avenue to find relief and healing. She experienced the debilitating symptoms of fibromyalgia firsthand — body pain, cognitive dysfunction, unrefreshing sleep, and overwhelming fatigue. Despite the constant pain, she determined to find a way to enjoy life.

Tami’s breakthrough came when her doctor introduced her to a health coach. This pivotal moment ignited a transformation in her life. Armed with the guidance, accountability, and support of a coach, Tami was able to implement changes in her diet, pacing, and sleep patterns. Over the course of a few years, she was able to achieve remission, defying the odds of fibromyalgia’s grip.

Catalyzing Change Through Coaching

Tami’s personal success inspired her to share what she had learned with others, leading her to work one-on-one with patients. However, she soon realized that her impact could be magnified further. In her words, “I got to a point where I couldn’t help enough people that way.” This realization led her to write her first book and embark on a mission to train other coaches to empower fibromyalgia patients.

Tami’s unique approach lies in recognizing that each person’s experience of fibromyalgia is different. She emphasizes the importance of tailoring strategies to individual needs. While the pieces of the puzzle may vary, certain consistent elements remain — focusing on sleep, addressing thyroid and adrenal issues, managing brain chemistry imbalances, and practicing self-care. She does make it a point to share that her story is an anomaly. Not everyone achieves full remission, but they can find a way to make life manageable and enjoyable.

Defining Success Through Transformation

For Tami, success for her clients means enabling them to regain control of their lives. It’s about providing the tools and strategies to live life on their terms, whether that’s being active grandparents, pursuing a career, or simply being able to carry out everyday activities without debilitating pain and fatigue. Tami’s coaching approach leads to measurable improvements — reduced pain, increased energy, improved sleep quality, and a significant boost in overall well-being.

Making an Impact Beyond Pain

Tami’s impact extends beyond her coaching sessions. She is the author of two books, “Take Back Your Life” and “The Fibromyalgia Coach,” both aimed at guiding fibromyalgia patients toward a better life. Additionally, Tami hosts a podcast where she shares insights, stories, and strategies to navigate the challenges of fibromyalgia.

To those struggling with Fibromyalgia, she offers a simple word of encouragement. “There is so much that can be done to improve fibromyalgia, but your doctor just needs to be educated about these options.”

You can learn more about Tami and her work with Fibromyalgia patients, as well as career coaching and advice by following her on LinkedIn or visiting her website.

Dr. Ethelle Lord: Revolutionizing Dementia Care through Coaching

“Depressed… extreme solitude. I would dial any 800 number just to hear another voice.”

For over two decades, Dr. Ethelle Lord has dedicated herself to exploring innovative ways to improve dementia care. Her journey in dementia care began on a deeply personal note. She recounts, “I took care of my own husband for 21 years.” This unparalleled dedication, along with her background in mental health, enabled her to provide unmatched care, and eventually, to devise her revolutionary program.

A Unique Approach To Dementia Care

Through her program, CPPAP (Care Provider Partnership Agreement Program), Ethelle Lord has created a groundbreaking plan of care that can be applied globally. Drawing parallels to the efficiency of McDonald’s, she envisions a standardized approach that provides effective care regardless of location. This approach requires specific training in dementia, coaching skills such as life coaching and nurse coaching.

What sets Ethelle’s approach apart is her emphasis on coaching at the center of the organizational chart. She believes that coaching is essential for the entire system including caregivers, families, and even the patients themselves. Through coaching, a united team is formed, creating a support system that aims to prevent turnover, burnout, and the neglect, even abuse, that often plagues dementia care facilities. “Coaching is for everyone in the facility including family members and janitors. We form a team… It’s like speaking in another language.

For example, ‘Learning to speak Alzheimer’s.’” Through her program, Ethelle hopes to bridge the communication gap that so often exists in dementia care, advocating for a comprehensive understanding of the condition, and changing the culture of dementia care.

For clients, Ethelle’s metric for success is clear: “Win-win situation for business owners, the healthcare workforce, family members, and the patients/clients.” In her personal life, she goes by a fundamental belief, “Sad, glad, mad, and scared are the four feelings we all express from birth, even if we have dementia.” She emphasizes the human touch, stating, “My husband needed my touch and my love.”

Pharmaceutical Solutions: Fewer Is Better

Dr. Lord’s approach encourages a de-pharmaceutical stance, recommending herbal alternatives and emphasizing the power of touch and love. By involving families as CPPAP Care Partners, her program increases the support network and enhances the overall quality of care. This holistic approach acknowledges the emotional needs of dementia patients, ensuring they experience understanding, compassion, and a sense of connection.

Connect with Dr. Ethelle Lord

For a deeper dive into Ethelle’s work and to become part of the culture change in dementia care, check out her website. To connect directly, her at or email her at

Empowering the Disabled: How Hira Is Helping Disabled Veterans Find Hope and New Meaning

Hira Paulin, Veteran Advocate

Hira Paulin’s mission is deeply personal. Growing up with disabilities was a norm in her household. Having seen firsthand how her family members, including her grandfather — a veteran, grappled with disabilities, she recognized the importance of vocalizing needs and self-advocacy. “I watched veterans like my grandfather deal with disabilities, the stories he told me about his wars were difficult,” recalls Hira. Now, she dedicates herself to mentoring those with acquired disabilities, aiming to offer the support and care that her grandfather, and many like him, didn’t receive.

Building Credibility in a Sensitive Field

With a background in disability counseling from both her undergraduate and master’s degrees, Hira knew she had the academic tools to make a difference. Yet, she faced challenges in building trust, especially within the military community. “I’ve observed, but I’ve never worn the uniform,” Hira explains. “I needed to show I could be trusted and that my intention was genuine. Yes, I’m a military spouse, but I also identify as a person with a disability.”

Her unique perspective, combining her personal experiences with disabilities and her connection to the military community, sets her apart. Hira’s approach emphasizes empathy, understanding, and humor, which she believes is crucial when navigating such sensitive topics.

Defining Success: Beyond Hollywood Stereotypes

For Hira, success with her clients goes beyond tangible achievements. She seeks to help veterans overcome the stigmas and stereotypes Hollywood often portrays — either as heroes or as broken. “I work with many vets who never served in combat and feel they don’t deserve the title ‘veteran’,” Hira notes. Her work focuses on helping these individuals find their voice, giving them the vocabulary to discuss their pain and experiences. Success might be as monumental as a job placement or as subtle yet profound as a veteran admitting their struggles to their spouse.

The Future: A Balance of Ambition, Family and Purpose

While many have encouraged Hira to formalize her efforts into a full-blown business, she remains thoughtful about her next steps. “I don’t want to charge for what I do,” she emphasizes, reflecting her genuine desire to help without commercial intentions. Currently, she’s focused on completing her doctorate and prioritizing her family. However, she doesn’t rule out the idea of a more formalized system in the future.

To anyone who is facing disabilities or struggling with anxiety, Hira’s message is simple. “It never hurts to have a conversation and ask a couple of questions. If you’re a veteran or member of the military community and feel affected in any way, just have a conversation and learn more.”

To start that conversation, you can visit her on LinkedIn.

*Note: Hira is currently on a much-earned sabbatical, she will respond when she returns.



Josh A Finley
RedX Magazine One

I write books and articles for entrepeneurs and public figures. Medium is just for fun and to share some highlights of the awesome people I work with. DM me!