Three Faith-Led Entrepreneurs: Transforming Lives with Purpose

Josh A Finley
RedX Magazine One
Published in
7 min readOct 26, 2023

Amidst the backdrop of ambition and materialism that often dominates our surroundings, there are remarkable individuals who emerge, led by their unwavering faith and an unquenchable passion to create a positive impact in the lives of others. Here are three such individuals who are continually striving to better the world around them.

Maurice W. Evans: Unleashing Superpowers Through “Powernality”

Maurice W. Evans is a serial entrepreneur with a passion for helping others discover their hidden strengths and unleash their inner superpowers. His journey began as a public speaker and marketing consultant in 1992, where he used personality assessments like Myers-Briggs and DISC to understand human behavior better. However, it was a revelation from Dr. Gary Smalley that sparked his unique approach to personality assessment.

Inspired by superheroes like Spider-Man and the idea that they were endowed with extraordinary powers, Maurice founded the “Superhero Institute” in 1999. This institute aimed to unlock inner superhero powers within individuals. Fast forward to 2018; Maurice launched “Powernality™” a personality assessment and training program rooted in the ancient Hebrew oral tradition, dating back to Genesis and the book of Ezekiel.

“This is part of who I am,” says Evans. “I’ve operated in the role of teacher, consultant, pastor — my calling is in the development of people and helping them excel.”

Unlike traditional personality assessments, “Powernality™” focuses on temperament, innate characteristics that determine how we react to stimuli. Maurice believes that most mental health issues arise when our personality does not align with our temperament. With “Powernality™,” he helps people embrace their unique strengths and express their superpowers in various aspects of life, from sales and management to personal relationships.

As for what’s next in Maurice’s journey, he remains dedicated to his mission of empowering individuals to unleash their inner SuperPowers to activate their Super-Self. His passion for helping people excel at being their authentic selves continues to drive him forward. With a strong foundation in both spiritual and historical wisdom, Maurice envisions a future where countless individuals will discover their true potential and embrace their unique superpowers to create a more harmonious world.

You can learn more about Maurice W. Evans and his work by visiting him on LinkedIn or visiting his website.

Melissa Desario: Helping Others Realize Their Worth

Melissa Desario’s mission is to help people realize their intrinsic value, worth, and untapped potential. Her journey began with the High on Hope ministry in Ohio, where she served children from around the world, igniting her passion for helping the marginalized.

Melissa’s approach combines faith and practicality. She believes in the power of self-discipline and accountability while also understanding that everyone has a unique story and journey. Her approach to coaching involves helping clients find clarity, purpose, and a signature anointing.

Yet, her journey to success has been far from easy. Melissa has faced her share of challenges, often navigating the balance between her profound love for humanity and the necessity for individuals to take ownership of their lives. She firmly believes in not leaving anyone behind, but she also emphasizes the importance of accountability and commitment to an action plan. “I tell people to stop, pause, pray, breathe in and breathe out,” she says. “You’re priceless, you’re valuable; you might need to go through some refining, but everyone has a God-given purpose.”

Melissa’s experiences, both personal and professional, have equipped her with a unique perspective on the human condition. She has journeyed alongside individuals struggling with relationship issues, mental and physical challenges, and the profound pain of rejection. Having walked this path herself, being separated from her mother at just six weeks old, she knows the depths of resilience and compassion it takes to help others heal.

Her coaching methodology sets her apart in the field. Melissa begins her transformative journey with a purpose-driven call, exploring grants and coaching opportunities. Her recommended 12-month program is designed to instill self-discipline while uncovering an individual’s unique signature anointing. This holistic approach ensures that her clients not only find their purpose but also have the tools to pursue it with unwavering dedication.

You can learn more about Kathy and her work by visiting her on LinkedIn or visiting her website.

Coach April: Bridging Health and Faith Through Her Wellness Coaching

Coach April’s entrepreneurial journey took an unexpected turn during the height of the pandemic. Frustrated with her corporate job in the banking sector, she found her purpose in promoting health and wellness within the body of Christ. Her motto, “Healthy is holy,” stems from the belief that taking care of one’s health is an essential aspect of honoring God’s creation. “It’s biblical to be healthy,” she says.

This transformative moment led her to explore the world of fitness and wellness. She decided to become a certified small-group fitness trainer, driven by her newfound purpose. However, initially, she did not fully harness this newfound passion. It was then that she felt a divine nudge, a prompting from God Himself, asking her why she had not yet taken action on her calling. With this divine encouragement, she embarked on a journey of self-discovery, enrolling in entrepreneurship courses and taking classes to equip herself for her mission.

April’s framework revolves around the Three Ms: Mindset, Meals, and Movement. She helps her clients renew their minds, make healthier food choices, and incorporate movement into their daily lives. Her goal is to reach a million people and organizations, spreading the message that health is part of the salvation promise.

Coach April’s definition of success for her clients is grounded in their personal convictions and goals. Many of her clients, particularly those with strong faith backgrounds, come to her with a sense of conviction that they haven’t been caring for themselves as they should. Success, for them, often involves improving their physical health, perhaps achieving weight-related goals, and cultivating a lifestyle that honors their bodies as temples of the Holy Spirit.

Defining Success: Transforming Lives with Purpose

For these faith-led entrepreneurs, success is defined by the transformation they bring to their clients’ lives. Whether it’s helping individuals discover their superpowers, realize their self-worth, or achieve physical and spiritual health, their mission is deeply rooted in impacting others positively.

You can learn more about Coach April and her work by visiting her on LinkedIn or visiting her website.

Debbie Curtis Miller: From Village Roots to Touching Souls

“Listen to the voice within. Focus on what truly resonates with your spirit. Embark on a journey that’s richer in spirituality.”

“My business is people,” she states candidly. “I aim to elevate individuals, whether that means a better career, mindset, or simply a better state of being.” Though her professional title reads ‘banker’, Debbie’s roles span far wider: from being an author to running a non-profit for the homeless. “I’ve always been captivated by spirituality, which I see as transcending religious constraints. When we tap into our spiritual selves, we move beyond mere religiosity,” she asserts.

With her Jamaican roots, a rousing story of overcoming adversity and a heart rooted in compassion, Debbie has a powerful story of resilience, spirituality, and an unyielding commitment to humanity.

A Story Carved from Adversity

Tracing back to her origins, Debbie reminisces, “I was the first among four sisters, raised in a tiny village in Jamaica. It was a place of modest means, but abundant in humanity.” Yet, her journey hasn’t been free from turbulence. “I reached a vice-presidential role as a banker, but before that, I’ve known homelessness, lived in motels, and endured a tough divorce. Life’s dichotomies have taught me that every high and low molds our spirit,” she reflects.

Learning To Fight

As someone who married young at 19 and became an abused wife, Debbie’s path was fraught with challenges. “From the shame of returning home to being ousted from my church, life didn’t spare me its trials. Yet, I viewed each challenge as a lesson. If you lose your mind, you lose the fight,” she shares, emphasizing the mental fortitude she derived from her hardships.

Due to her own background in adversity, Debbie’s methodology stands out due to its sheer simplicity and humanity. “Firstly, I listen. Maintaining eye contact, I ensure every person knows they’re valued. Secondly, I believe what you possess, be it encouraging words, food, or even just a smile, is enough to share. I deeply feel for others and make it a point to truly listen,” she elaborates.

More Than Dollars and Cents

For Debbie, success is intrinsic and personal. “Success is seeing someone uplifted because of an opportunity I provided,” she believes. But her personal success definition revolves around gratitude: “Today, I cherish the privileges I have in America. The chances I’ve been blessed with reassure me that I’m on the right path. I even secured a place at the doctorate table due to my kindness,” she fondly recalls.

To follow Debbie Curtis Miller’s profound journey and gain more insights, connect with her on Linkedin.



Josh A Finley
RedX Magazine One

I write books and articles for entrepeneurs and public figures. Medium is just for fun and to share some highlights of the awesome people I work with. DM me!