[Notice] Suspension of KRT market and delisting of UST, KRT, and LUNA

Published in
1 min readMay 18, 2022

Thank you for using BTX. As per BTX’s policies regarding cryptocurrency delisting, we regret to inform you that the following assets will no longer be tradable on BTX. The assets are UST, KRT, and LUNA. Please refer to the explanation below.

[Delisting reasons]
On May 13th, UST and LUNA went through rapid price changes which caused depegging of UST from the US Dollar, which in turn lead to even volatile price movement of LUNA, KRT and UST. We deemed these assets to be volatile and potentially harmful to our users, and suspended deposits and withdrawal of UST, KRT and LUNA. After taking such measures, the price volatility and network instability, as well as stable pegging mechanism remains problematic. Due to unpredictable nature of the project, in order to prevent potential losses to our users, we have decided to delist these assets.

[Delisting time]
2022/5/17 13:00 KST

We deem this matter to be of extreme urgency and apologize for the hurried nature of this announcement. We will continue to put the security of our users first and foremost.

Thank you.




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