Which continents will benefit most from the growing adoption of digital asset markets?

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2 min readJun 24, 2020

In a recent survey poll of 17,275 Dove Wallet users worldwide asking about “which continent expect to benefit most from the growing digital assets adoption,” 25% of all respondents believe Asia will benefit most from the growing digital assets market. Following very close behind were Europe & Latin America with 24%, saying they are also hotly-anticipated & promising regions.
The Middle East & Africa were also found to be the regions with full potential,17% believing an optimistic future of digital assets with many beneficiaries.
Surprisingly, North America was revealed to be the least expect; only 10% of respondents chose it as favorable despite its figure as a global capital of finance.

In overall, the survey result tends to show that many agree that troubled regions with economic & political problems could exploit the benefits of digital assets more readily. Also, it is uncontroversial that Asia as the most hopeful region since it has emerged as the pronounced leader in the digital assets market, playing essential roles with significant influence. Europe, another bright prospect region with many beneficiaries from digital assets adoption, its result is somewhat surprising because it’s against a usual narrative of the government-intervened European market.
Around the world, we’re witnessing uncontrollable economic conditions has opened the doors for digital assets’ exploitation with wider adoption, and it is pleasing to see a steady progression of an optimistic view on digital assets with the growing confidence.




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