Moozicore Bounty statistics

Published in
4 min readNov 29, 2019

Website | Tokensale | Whitepaper | Bounty | ANN | Main Telegram chat | Telegram Bounty chat | Spreadsheet 1 | Spreadsheet 2 | Twitter | Facebook | Reddit | Instagram | Medium | Levelo

Statistics Bounty Moozicore

Bounty Campaign Round 1 start — 16th November, 2018
Bounty Campaign Round 1 end— 1st March, 2019
Duration — 15 weeks (extended once)
Tokens Allocated — 60 000 000 MZG
Earned by participants — 60 000 000 MZG
Bounty Manager — bubbalex

Bounty Campaign Round 2 start — March 8th, 2019
Bounty Campaign Round 2 end— May 31st, 2019
Duration — 12 weeks
Tokens Allocated — 7 000 000 MZG
Earned by participants — 7 000 000 MZG
Thread views — 94 299
Pages in thread — 533
Bounty Manager — bubbalex
Telegram main chat participants — ~4 993
Telegram bounty chat participants — ~1481
Tokens from both campaigns successfully distributed, token listed on exchanges on November 14th, 2019

Distribution of Tokens Round 1

Blogs Campaign — 10%
YouTube Campaign — 10%
Twitter Campaign — 20%
Facebook Campaign — 20%
Signature Campaign — 15%
VIP Campaign — 10% (managed by Moozicore team)
Translation Campaign — 5% (campaign with a limit for per person)
Instagram Campaign — 5%
Reddit Campaign — 5%

Distribution of Tokens Round 2

Signature Campaign — 100%

Twitter Campaign

Percent allocated — 20%
Total participants joined — 825
Rewarded participants — 521
Subscribed to Moozicore Twitter — ~825
Amount of retweets made during campaign — ~13 634
Amount of posts participants made about project — ~5 356
Total amount of stakes earned by participants — 3 513 000
Total amount of tokens earned by participants — 12 000 000

Facebook Campaign

Percent allocated — 20%
Total participants joined — 893
Rewarded participants — 747
Subscribed to Moozicore Facebook — ~893
Amount of reposts made during campaign — ~35 420
Amount of posts participants made about project — ~12 130
Total amount of stakes earned by participants — 4 866 500
Total amount of tokens earned by participants — 12 000 000

YouTube Campaign

Percent allocated — 10%
Total videos submitted — 284
Rewarded videos — 211
High — 2
Good — 29
Low — 180
Total amount of stakes earned by participants — 615 000
Total amount of tokens earned by participants — 6 000 000

Blogs Campaign

Percent allocated — 10%
Total articles submitted — 1 213
Rewarded articles — 772
High — 11
Good — 31
Low — 730
Total amount of stakes earned by participants — 1 477 000
Total amount of tokens earned by participants — 6 000 000

Instagram Campaign

Percent allocated — 5%
Total participants joined — 135
Rewarded participants — 85
Subscribed to Moozicore Instagram — ~135
Amount of comments participants made — ~1354
Amount of posts participants made about project — ~677
Total amount of stakes earned by participants — 334 250
Total amount of tokens earned by participants — 3 000 000

Reddit Campaign

Percent allocated — 5%
Total participants joined — 212
Rewarded participants — 121
Amount of up votes participants made — ~3 568
Amount of posts participants made about project — ~2 141
Total amount of stakes earned by participants — 400 500
Total amount of tokens earned by participants — 3 000 000

Signature Campaign Round 1

Percent allocated — 15%
Total participants joined — 262
Rewarded participants — 174
Jr.Member rank — 18
Member rank — 75
Full Member rank — 36
Sr.Member rank — 21
Hero/Legendary rank — 20
Amount of posts participants made in campaign duration — ~17 100
Total amount of stakes earned by participants — 4 257 350
Total amount of tokens earned by participants — 9 000 000

Signature Campaign Round 2

Percent allocated — 100%
Total participants joined — 133
Rewarded participants — 104
Jr.Member rank — 19
Member rank — 21
Full Member rank — 34
Sr.Member rank — 21
Hero/Legendary rank — 9
Amount of posts participants made in campaign duration — ~8 720
Total amount of stakes earned by participants — 2 600 400
Total amount of tokens earned by participants — 7 000 000

Translation Campaign

Percent allocated — 5%
Total participants joined — 51
Rewarded participants — 9 + Cryptoji team
Translated on — 13 languages
Translated — ANN, Whitepaper
Localized on — Vietnamese, Turkish, Indonesian, Spanish, Russian, German, Filipino, Arabic, Hindi, Japanese, Chinese, Korean, French
Total amount of stakes earned by participants — 9 000
Total amount of tokens earned by participants — 450 000

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Graphic designer, blockchain enthusiast and Cartesi Ambassador