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How to manage chatbot content?

Philip Schönholzer
2 min readMar 5, 2019


Chatbot maintenance can be a pain

A chatbot that answers a few simple questions needs hardly any maintenance. However, if a chatbot project is a bit larger, you often encounter the same following questions from customers:

  • “How can a marketing employee train the chatbot?”
  • “Where do we see what the chatbot didn’t understand? And how do we teach this to the chatbot?”
  • “How do we make sure that the chatbot answers the original questions correctly after additional training?“

One might think that these questions have been solved a long time ago. But far from it: The currently existing solutions barely cover these problems. In most cases, they are also too technical for your average employee.

Bubble CMS

We decided to solve these problems with Bubble CMS, a chatbot content management system. During the chatbot projects of the past years, we learned a lot about the needs of our customers. Bubble CMS is a cohesive solution to the problems described above.

Manage all content in an intuitive user interface

Bubble CMS addresses among other things the following needs:

  • In the CMS, not-IT personell can train the chatbot with intents and the corresponding answers. No technical know-how is necessary.
  • The training for different departments takes place independently of each other.
  • You get a clear overview of utterances that the chatbot did not understand. These can be used to train the chatbot.
  • A set of test questions can be defined to ensure the functioning of the chatbot at all times.
  • You can track individual changes and you have the possibility to roll them back.

Do these problems look familiar to you?

Do you have similar challenges? Can Bubble CMS help you? We would love to hear how you solved these problems and if Bubble CMS could be a viable solution for you. Get in contact!



Philip Schönholzer

Always learning. And running a small software company with @romixch and @linushuesler.