How to always add value to your life?

Akshay Bhardwaj
Bubble of thoughts
Published in
1 min readAug 18, 2016

A good life is build on these 3 pillars. Let me know if you concur after reading this.

You can add value to your life by following these simple steps —

Step 1- Put the picture picture on the wall in your room(or office desk).
(if you want HD version, let me know via comments. I will share it with you)

Step 2- Ask yourself- “how am I feeling today”?
Happy? — You are already adding value to your life in some way. Good job!
SAD(Sad, Anxious, Depressed)? — Look at the picture in order to pick any of the silver text element present in the picture and start doing it. Just do it.

Result: Soon you will transition from SAD mode to happy mode along with some value add.

Step 3- Go to step 2.

3 Pillars of Life



Akshay Bhardwaj
Bubble of thoughts

Thinker. Writer. MBA Graduate. Passionate about trends in Business Management ideas and practices.