Bubbletone and SIMYO to Launch a Pilot Project

Bubbletone and SIMYO, a major MVNO in Spain, have signed a memorandum of understanding to establish a partnership and implement a pilot project regarding the use of blockchain technology in commercialization of telecom services — abroad communications mobile products for Spain incoming roamers.

According to the memorandum, the companies will establish a working group of designated responsible persons for research, development, and advancement of the blockchain pilot project. The group will set up an experimental zone for the “Distribution of prepaid mobile services with zero acquisition cost” use case.

Within this case, SIMYO’s specialists will be able to publish offers on the blockchain platform for Spain incoming roamers. To test these offers, SIMYO’s node will be integrated with internal systems and the platform. The case will also include testing with SIM cards, demonstration of mobile profiles interactions and engagement with value-added services.

“It’s a pleasure to announce that we are launching a pilot project with SIMYO — a major Spanish MVNO operator built on the Orange España network, a prominent Spanish mobile network operator. Thanks to this pilot, in the nearest future the platform members’ end users will get an opportunity to purchase mobile service packages for Europe at affordable prices and SIMYO will be able to expand its client base and increase revenue”, said Yuri Morozov, CEO and Founder of Bubbletone Blockchain in Telecom.

“SIMYO is convinced that Blockchain is a key technology for the present and for the future; especially in the Telecom Market. New business opportunities are appearing based on Blockchain and SIMYO will be in the state of art for these new operations accordingly with our innovative approach in product development. This pilot project with Bubbletone will help us to explore how to spread our commercial offering abroad, to new customers coming to visit Spain”, said Jesus Noguera, CEO at SIMYO.

About Bubbletone

Bubbletone is the first decentralized global telecom platform that allows mobile network operators, phone users, and service providers to interact securely and directly. The platform enables users to instantly purchase service packages at the rates of local operators using their existing SIM card all over the globe. Meanwhile, service providers can increase the number of clients and revenue without any additional costs. Official website — https://blockchaintele.com.


SIMYO, legally Orange España Virtual S.L.U, is a mobile virtual network operator (MVNO) launched in Spain in January 2008, owned and operated by Orange Espagne. Official website — http://www.simyo.es.



Bubbletone Blockchain in Telecom
Bubbletone Blockchain in Telecom

We eliminate roaming and build a blockchain-based platform that connects mobile operators, service providers and end-users directly.