Bubbletone to Participate in the ITU-T FG DLT

Bubbletone’s Project Director Alexander Yakovenko and Lead Blockchain Software Architect Sergey Maltsev will take part in the ITU Telecommunication Standardisation Sector (ITU-T) Focus Group on the Application of Distributed Ledger Technology (FG DLT). The meeting of the group will be held in Beijing, China, on October 9–12.

Blockchain and distributed ledger technologies (DLT) are proving applicable to a wide range of business operations. DLT use cases are emerging in many sectors, with the telecom industry being no exception. However, standards have not been set in this industry. That’s why DLT is now under an in-depth study in ITU standardization work on security and trust, identity management, environmental sustainability, protocols, and test specifications. As a full member of FG DLT, the Bubbletone team is actively participating in this work.

At the meeting, the team members will be presenting particular use cases and participating in relevant discussions.

Alexander Yakovenko will introduce two use cases to the group members: global coverage with local rates for mobile subscribers and digital identity as a service.

Sergey Maltsev will describe a Graphene DLT core as a basis to construct industry-grade systems for the telecom industry, outline its features and benefits and compare this core to alternative solutions. He will also showcase the Bubbletone Blockchain Telecom ecosystem — a global marketplace developed using the Graphene core.

​About FG DLT

​​​Distributed ledger technology (DLT) refers the processes and related technologies that enable nodes in a network to securely propose, validate and record state changes (or updates) to a synchronised ledger that is distributed across the network’s nodes. ​​

The ITU-T Focus Group on Application of Distributed Ledger Technology (FG DLT) was established in May 2017 in order to:

  • identify and analyse DLT-based applications and services;
  • draw up best practices and guidance which support the implementation of those applications and services on a global scale; and
  • propose a way forward for related standardization work in ITU-T Study Groups.

​FG DLT will develop a standardization roadmap for interoperable DLT-based services, taking into consideration the activities underway in ITU, other standards developing organizations, forums, and groups.

The group includes experts from the United States, Brazil, Russia, South Korea, Japan, Germany, Switzerland, Nigeria, India, Malaysia, and other countries.

More information about ​FG DLT is available here:


About ITU

Founded in 1865, the International Telecommunication Union (ITU) is the United Nations agency for information and communication technologies, driving innovation in ICTs together with 193 Member States and 800+ private sector entities, academic institutions and others.

ITU’s mission is to enable the growth and sustained development of telecommunications and information networks, and to facilitate universal access so that people everywhere can participate in, and benefit from, the emerging information society and global economy. ITU assists in mobilizing the technical, financial and human resources needed to make this vision a reality.



Bubbletone Blockchain in Telecom
Bubbletone Blockchain in Telecom

We eliminate roaming and build a blockchain-based platform that connects mobile operators, service providers and end-users directly.