Current Status on Blockchain in Telecom Project Development

Blockchain in Telecom project is actively developing and we would like to inform all of you about the progress achieved.

Our Bubbletone team is proud to announce that the first commercial launch of the Blockchain Telecom Ecosystem took place. The European company, the leader solution provider for international mobile roaming, now offers services through our Blockchain platform. Mobile internet at an affordable price in hundreds of countries is available for customers of partner mobile operators. The first consumer of global mobile coverage is the mobile operator CountryCom. Our new partner and CountryCom have successfully completed network integration with Blockchain Telecom Ecosystem.

During the integration process our team developed MdsHub — a specialized operator-seller module that implements the necessary business logic of operational work inside the Blockchain Telecom Ecosystem. The module implements all the functionality necessary for creating and publishing commercial offers, servicing incoming requests from other operators participating in the Ecosystem, as well as accounting for consumed internet traffic and selling regular service packages as they are consumed. Setup, management and reporting in MdsHub are carried out through the WEB-interface accessible from any browser. Having a very compact external API, this module greatly facilitates the connection to the Ecosystem from operator’s BSS. The module easily adapts to the features of any mobile operator, it will be the main one for building integration solutions with other partners.

Testing showed that our Blockchain technology works well for mobile applications. Integration of other operators is expected.

CountryCom is currently testing our solution. Hopefully CountryCom will launch retail sales, based on our solution, to its customers by May.

We plan to enter the exchange after integration of at least 3–4 telecom operators.

Our Bubbletone team is also glad to announce the receipt of the license from Estonian Central Bank for the right to exchange cryptocurrencies for fiat and vice versa, as well as the right to open crypto-wallets for clients and manage them.

A new roadmap will be published during the first quarter.



Bubbletone Blockchain in Telecom
Bubbletone Blockchain in Telecom

We eliminate roaming and build a blockchain-based platform that connects mobile operators, service providers and end-users directly.