New Kid on the Blockchain: Bubblo Brings Big Data Home

Tiffany Silgas
Published in
4 min readSep 20, 2018

Angelinos Look to the Future

Tonight, Los Angeles is abuzz with small groups gathered around tables, sharing plates and cocktails, partaking in the variety of acceptable smoking options, and enthusiastically discussing their latest adventures: whether it was burning the midnight (and morning) oil at Burning Man or attending the latest Blockchain Summit, everyone seems to be alight with the limitless possibilities presented by the burgeoning blockchain technology and the opportunities in the cryptocurrency markets.

As the world around us warps at lightspeed past the Internet 2.0 into the future, how does the average consumer keep up? How does my neighbor Eugene, a retired mechanic, adapt to the foreign digital world of decentralized finance? And how does my neighborhood coffee shop navigate the ever-changing scene of finance to capitalize on these new technologies and maximize profits?

Democratizing Data with Blockchain Technology

Bubblo, the world’s first decentralized discovery application, is the ideal bridge to gap the disjointed frameworks of the digital and the physical realms. This new platform, which pegs itself to the democratization of data, gives every single user the chance to leverage their own buying power with greater efficacy than has ever been previously offered. By granting users ownership over their own digital footprint, while simultaneously rewarding community engagement, the Bubblo platform presents a new ecosystem of value exchange based on information, essentially giving the buying power back to the originators — the buyers themselves.

The modern consumer is faced with multitudes options for consumption, and yet so few companies tend to cultivate in-depth relationships with those customers that incentivize loyalty or promotion. With more and more people joining in the global scale of commerce, consumers often find themselves landing in strange new cities with no useful framework of how best to allocate their time and resources according to their own personal preferences.

Bubblo: Transforming the Ethereal into Reality

Through participation on the Bubblo network, businesses will be able to engage active patrons in real time and reward reciprocal interaction, leverage the data gained from that engagement in order to reach their potential customers via hyper-local ads, and aggregate anonymized data of each transaction. Ultimately, Bubblo aims to establish a valuable exchange between businesses and consumers where goods and services can be purchased with the mutual assurance of transparency and efficacy. The true beauty in the design of the Bubblo ecosystem is realized when the personalized data associated with any individual is utilized to maximally benefit both both consumer and provider through the exchange of Bubblo tokens (BUBL).

BUBL represents the cryptographic currency that allows consumers to monetize any personal data associated with their buying behavior. Earning and spending BUBL tokens enables a direct interchange between a customer and the venues they visit, with value added to otherwise menial transactions through the conflation of anonymized user data with the crypto coin using blockchain technology. As users and businesses amass BUBL tokens through a variety of actions on the Bubblo platform, the opportunity to liquidate those assets via sale on the open market will solidify incentive for mainstream adoption: even the most conservative investors (like my neighbor Eugene) will see the benefit of joining the crypto community if they can be paid to do what they already do.

Turning Crypto into Cold, Hard Cash

Despite recent turbulence in many cryptocurrency markets, there is a growing demand for an infrastructure whereby those digital funds are made accessible for expenditure — essentially cryptocurrency ATMs. Los Angeles, which has been steadily gaining notoriety as a global hotbed for tech innovation, currently boasts 254 Bitcoin ATMs/tellers, ranking #1 in the U.S. This convenience, coupled with a flourishing crypto community, attracts international investors and enthusiasts alike. To date, most business establishments do not accept Bitcoin nor any other form of cryptocurrency as tender, meaning that these paperless ATMs are essential hubs for the exchange of these decentralized currencies into spendable cash.

Hookah Hotspots

This week, Bubblo is honing in on one of these centrally-located “BTMs” and asking the age-old question anyone with a pocket full of crisp bills would ask: “What are we gonna go do now?” Whether you are visiting from a far-off country or live next door to the 405, LA has something for everyone. Before your brain starts buzzing with the noisy lists offered by Yelp (and probably the traffic as well), Bubblo will do the sifting for you to remove all of the unnecessary chatter and distill your personalized TOP5 recommended venues based on your terms and preferences. So kick your feet up, relax, and enjoy the smooth ambiance of our TOP5 Hookah cafes around this BTM.

Coming in at number one is Berri’s Cafe on 3rd Street, a favorite late night hangout known for their classic gourmet pizzas, hypnotic music, and top-notch hookah offerings. With a limited after hours scene, this 22-year-old Los Angeles veteran stands out as a favorite destination for night owls, where the scene definitely picks up around 2 AM. So whether you are hoping for a delicious dinner or a relaxing bit of shisha, Berri’s is a Los Angeles gem that’s sure to impress.

Follow us on Facebook to explore the images and recommended dishes at Berri’s Cafe on third street in West Hollywood, CA.

